  • Report:  #1526558

Complaint Review: Byron Neusse - Carrollton Texas

Reported By:
Excellent Customer Service? - Texas, United States

Byron Neusse
4009 Old Denton Rd #109 Carrollton, 75007 Texas, United States
(214) 918-1075
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Was just assaulted (video recorded) by a plumber (Byron) in front of my house. If you know an older gentleman, named Byron, who is a plumber, then you know who this person is. We have used this person in the past,and so nice we knew no one else, decided to use him again for another problematic leak, (which is most likely the same one he failed to fix the 1st time. After seeing more holes in our walls in the same general area as before, we really started to believe he never fixed the original problem. our church eventually found us a plumber who looked at his work and found it to be subpar at the most. So prior to him trying to fix this “new” leak, we agreed that we would pay him every payday ($500) until it’s paid in full since we could not file another claim with our insurance so quickly. When we told him this, he demanded that we pay him his quote upfront. Who pays upfront for services that have not been started or even completed? So far, we have already made a few payments thus far with no problem. I and my daughter have also seen him drive by our house every day since (4-6 times now), as I work from home, recognizing his white van and license plate. Would this be considered "Stalking?" However, today he calls me 4 times, using vulgar language, telling us, (he was on speaker), demanding we pay his money now, as he has family and bills he needs to take care of. The vulgarity is something in our family we do not tolerate, so we hung up on him. 10 minutes later, he shows up to my door, rings/knocks, with me telling him just a minute, and then knocks even harder again because I did not answer the door fast enough. As I open the wooden door, he grabs my outer screen door so fast that he pulled it off the retracting link at the bottom of the door, and begins yelling and screaming at me, with the very same vulgar language, demanding his money to be paid now in full. My daughter hears this, as well as my mother-in-law, because his screaming of vulgarities awakes her, grabs my shirt as I walk away from hi,  with my daughter telling him to stop assaulting my dad and that he is being recorded. (My Ring camera caught some of it as well). As I pull out my credit card, he aggressively grabs it out of my hand, holds it away from me, and crushes it while I’m trying to get it back from him. He then throws it back in my face when I told him to let go off my credit card and get his machine so I can pay him. I never touched him but he literally assaulted me with the physical grabbing of my shirt, pushing me, and even somewhat spitting on me while still screaming. Once I fully paid him, I told him that you have now been paid, so please leave my property. It took several requests from both myself, my daughter, and mother-in-law for him to leave before he finally did. I also told him I am going to call the police and file an assault charge on him alfor his actions (video-recorded) upon me and he said he did not care, using vulgarity. Thanks to my daughter, my mother-in-law, and my Ring camera for capturing this assault, and the other witnesses outside watching all this take place. And yes, I did call the PD, explained to them what happened, showing them tge video, and they took my report. My comments are made to protect anybody else in our community who may consider hiring this person, lest they become harassed and assaulted like I was. No family should have to endure what this person put us through. Is this a person you want to use for your next plumbing job?


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