  • Report:  #1738

Complaint Review: Bonzi Software - Paso Robles California

Reported By:
- Indpls, IN,

Bonzi Software
396 17th St. Paso Robles, 93446 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have downloaded the BonziBuddy "free" talking parrot and then paid by credit card for add-ons to enhance this feature. However, I have been having difficulty with the functioning of the free download which in turn gives me difficulty with the add-ons.

I have e-mailed for assistance and cannot still get this functioning correctly. There are NO phone numbers to contact to talk to a real person. When my charge bill came, there was a phone number by my charges. I called it and got the recording which told me which web sight to use.

Still I cannot get results. I have called the credit card to put an inquiry regarding this charge. I do not want to retain these features but I cannot get to ANYONE to get a refund. I ordered it Februray 22 and have been having trouble ever since. I just want OUT!!!

I did get another phone number off a web sight but it was a fax number, not as it was listed. I intend to write this company at the address I retrieved from the same sight (the first I could find) to request a refund.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Why on earth would you willingly install Bonzi Buddy to your computer.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, May 23, 2003

Boni Buddy is spyware that tracks your movements on the web and sends personal information about you to its customers. I would get rid of that spyware ASAP! As for the credit card charges...I would call your credit card company and tell them that they are unauthorized charges.


New York,
How to get Bonzi Buddy to speak

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, May 22, 2003

I just downloaded Bonzi Buddy, and this this is cool. In order to get it to speak you must right click your mouse on the gorilla's belly. A pop up menu will appear. Press speak, a box will appear. Just type what you want it to say. My version does talk, without typing in the box. It sings two songs, and tells jokes. I was considering investing the $49, but after reading the posts here, forget it. I'll keep the free version as is. Have a wonderful day

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