  • Report:  #1534246

Complaint Review: Blowout Medical - Cottonwood Heights Utah

Reported By:
mary - richmond, Texas, United States

Blowout Medical
7938 S. 3500 ..Suite B-700 Cottonwood Heights, 84121 Utah, United States
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Report Attachments

8/13/2024, I order 8 cases of 24 each, Boost Hicalorie nutrional drink for my cancer riddled wife.  The sent me 7, 8/14/2024 was shipping date, 8/20/2024 I received 7 cases, one was open with 3 missing.  A week later a package arrived with 3 bottles, the 3 missing ones.  I contacted Blowout Medical, told them my problem, they shorted me a case, they blew me off and told me to recount so Beware they can't count

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