  • Report:  #1494882

Complaint Review: Audix Hearing - Scottsdale Arizona

Reported By:
Lyn - Tucson, United States

Audix Hearing
7426 E Stetson Dr. #4001E Scottsdale, 85251 Arizona, United States
205 512-6169
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I have emailed them several times, and each time, they sent a computer generated email saying that the hearing aids would come shortly. They never have. I tried calling the customer service number and got a recording that I needed to call within their business hours..(I was calling during the time specified).No response, no refund, and no hearing aids.

They are still advertising on facebook as of the beginning of this week (May 4) and when I emailed them, the new computer generated response claimed that they had received the parts and would be sent out May 8-May14th. Last time they said beginning of April....Still no hearing aids or refund. 

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