  • Report:  #1533640

Complaint Review: Anne M McHugh - tampa FL

Reported By:
ob - Tampa, FL, United States

Anne M McHugh
Address 5089 Secretariat Run Spring Hill tampa, 34609 FL, United States
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Anne M McHugh i provided mrs anne m mchugh service on agust 3 2024. at 12 mid night vehicle was a kia soul , this was the right rear tire, it had two nail on it. explained to this to anne that she has two nails in the tire and gave her her options, if you would love to fix this it cost 40 dollars a patch she agreed. it was heavy rain with the mosquitos  took me 2 and a half hours after the tire repair and battery boost told me she has no money peoples please be on the look out for her as her husband was in on this too

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