  • Report:  #1526604

Complaint Review: Animal North Animal Hospital Hickory NC Dr Christine Duke Dr. Leigh Ring Veterinarian Kristin Mikeal Halie Shea Theresa McDanel Whitney Keller Janet Wright - Hickory North Carolina

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Our - Hickory, United States

Animal North Animal Hospital Hickory NC Dr Christine Duke Dr. Leigh Ring Veterinarian Kristin Mikeal Halie Shea Theresa McDanel Whitney Keller Janet Wright
27 13th Ave NE Hickory, 28601 North Carolina, United States
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This is such a very disrespectful place to go. The employees honest to goodness treat you like crap due to jealousy reasons of breeders making more money than what they do with sitting on their butts answering phones. Well, they don't have CANCER either and have to pay cancer medical bills. So they need to stop with the nonsense. Animal North Animal Hospital Hickory NC Dr Christine Duke Dr. Leigh Ring, Veterinarian Kristin Mikeal Halie Shea Theresa McDanel Whitney Keller Janet Wright If I can give zero stars, trust me, I would. This has to be the worst Vet ever for the world. Don’t go there, TRUST ME. Many of their staff members are so very disrespectful, rude, and they cuss at you on the phone and then they hang up on you. They accuse you of cussing at them, but yet you’ve never used a bad word to them on the phone at all whatsoever on yesterday's phone calls. They were treated with dignity and kindness even though they treated myself like crap we still held our posture and actually ended up in tears from how they were treating me on the phone. They won’t even talk to you to listen to what you have to say. Some man there picks up the phone and screams at you and then hangs up on you, he said maybe five words if that. Never have we ever met the man in our entire lives, he does not know us from Adam. They act like you’re the person in the wrong when in fact they are. They let their front end. Staff treat their clients so rudely for apparently no reason at all every single time you go in there Kristin Mikeal would treat us like crap. Then we went in there in a room to tell the doctor about it after the 8th time or so with always biting our tongue and the doctor favors with Kristen, the one that treat you so rudely at the front counter that’s rude to the clients. So we leave that vet office due to the situation and then they point the finger that were the bad people when in fact it is them. Never did we do anything wrong there ever nor do we ever treat anybody disrespectful either. Just have told nothing but the honest to God truth. They used cuss words on the phone at us today with the F word full blown and the full word of BS of which this is what the owner Christine Duke teaches their employees of how to treat their clients. This will be posted on other website reviews as well. VERY DISRESPECTFUL TO THEIR ELDERS THEY CUSS THE F WORD TO THEIR CLIENTS AND BS (FULL WORD) TO YOU ON THE PHONE THEY SAY, “OH YOU CAN’T GO THERE ANYMORE” EVEN THOUGH WE LEFT ON OUR OWN MANY YEARS AGO Hickory North Carolina. This Christine Duke is to blame for letting her staff treat people like that of which they don’t even know. What ever happened to the saying, "THAT A CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT?" This whole place needs to know what that is and what it means. Not telling their clients F You and BS. What kind of respect is that with supposedly being a professional business. All I see out of this place is MONKEY BUSINESS.

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