  • Report:  #1260572

Complaint Review: Amy Villarimo Yonto - Suldalsosen Other

Reported By:
Valentina - Oslo, Norway

Amy Villarimo Yonto
Skomakarteigen 1 Suldalsosen, 4237 Other, Norway
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Kristin Olafsen. Ryllikveien 18A. 3360 Geithus. Phone +47 93 85 32 64 This person uses the app Finn.no to scam sellers. I sent her several items after she paid for one, including shipping, and promised to pay for the rest within a week. I have always considered Norwegians to be among the most honest people, and I've made many deals based on trust. This is the first time a Norwegian has scammed me in the 12 years I've lived in Norway. I want her name to be known to other sellers: beware of Kristin Olafsen.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Oslo County,
She finally paid. I won't consider her a scammer anymore.

#2Author of original report

Thu, September 19, 2024

She paid for the rest of the items (2 weeks after the date we agreed), she cannot be considered a scammer anymore. I deleted the bad review on Finn and notified the security department of Finn that she finally paid and I won't take any further action. Thank you for reading.

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