  • Report:  #1524746

Complaint Review: Amazing Offer LLC - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
stephanie - United States

Amazing Offer LLC
2929 W Indian School Rd Phoenix, 85017 Arizona, United States
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These people are total con artist they find homes where Where there's little to no family they go in they Accuse whoever is in the home of squatting and then they go and do false paperwork they have their daughter notarize it and they basically steal your home they lighted the courts they do tons of illegal paperwork with the county recorders and they get away with it it's disgusting Somebody needs to put these people to a stop because they've been doing it for years and they've got so many companies so many scams they're basically millionaires ripping off every single consumer out there so don't ever think that you got a deal from any of these people. And if you want your own proof just Google height media group or amazing offer look at the reviews 90% of them are from relatives or people that work there I they send nasty text messages with threats. Just look up the rock star Michael Hilliard in Maricopa Superior Court records and his federal case you can find on the Maricopa Recorders website. And look him up on the ripoff report. The Maricopa Civil docs shows judgement after judgement he calls himself a Religious man I would hate to be him on judgment day. He has actively roughly 15 companies all of which he and these people scam regular hard working people all over the United states with out hesitation. BEWARE

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