  • Report:  #1520159

Complaint Review: adhurim klobucista - Staten Island NY

Reported By:
Dave - Seattle, United States

adhurim klobucista
48 Case Ave Staten Island, 10309 NY, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Adhurim klobucista is a over controlling work bully who may bend rules including hiding phones and stepping on things that shouldn't be stepped on but will not be flexible enough to be fair enough on handling issues.

Adhurim klobucista may be manipulative and may talk about you at work at times and may use your information for his benefit. Not good. Do not do business with Adhurim klobucista or affiliates. This is a true claim and is detailing my experience with the individual.

---TO EDITOR More proof to be provided to editorial or ripoffreport and or post in future updates as they get gathered.---

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