  • Report:  #498588

Complaint Review: MPC Computers - Nampa Idaho

Reported By:
flamingoland - , Rhode Island, USA

MPC Computers
Nampa, Idaho, United States of America
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I had a computer custom built (my 5th over 12 years) by Micron/MPC Corp computers in February 2008 and paid for extra upgrades, as well as a 3 year warranty.  In May of 2009, the nVidia graphics card stopped working (there is a lower end one on the motherboard).  MPC is now bankrupt. nVidia kept passing me back to Palit, who apparently actually makes the video card.  They did this for 3 months. 

In August of 2009, the computer totally stopped working.  I have it running now and I believe it is the motherboard (it's okay as long as I don't shut it off again).  I found a forum online with a phone number for MPC support and called it.  They asked for my documentation and my actual warranty, all of which I had.  They called me back and said though they are honoring some of the warranties, mine was not one of them. 

I now have an rough estimate of over $300 to fix it, I'm only a year or so into my 3 year warranty that I paid extra for.  I contacted the Attorney General's consumer office in Idaho, who said now that they are bankrupt, there is nothing they can do.  I did sign up for the class action lawsuit, but that was before the computer stopped working.

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