  • Report:  #48211

Complaint Review: Ramada Inn - Fort Lauderdale Florida

Reported By:
- East Point, Georgia,

Ramada Inn
2419 E Commercial Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, 33308 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I received a voucher in the mail with a discount amount on a vacation package. I called to get information about vacation package June 2002 and was told that this is a one time offer. I told the person that I wanted to talk to my husband about the vacation package before I purchased the package. I was told that if I did not take the offer that I could not later on. After being put under pressure I gave in and gave them my credit card information. After I gave them my credit card number, I asked them where do I send the voucher? I was told to throw it away that I did not need it. I asked them why did they sent it to me if it was not any good.

I asked that the transaction be canceled because I felt that I was misled and that they misrepresented themselves. I was told that the transaction could not be canceled and that if I did not paid the other $698.00 that I would lose the $698.00 that I had just put on my credit card. I called my credit card company after I could not get them to cancel.

I called Ramada Inn several times and could not get any results. When I got my statement there was a unauthorized charge plus the $698.00. After I received brochures from Ramada Inn I called again and they would not cancel. After several attempts I finally talked to someone who scheduled me to hear my recording of the conversation. When I called and asked to hear the recording I was denied and I asked to speak to a Supervisor. She said that I could not listen to the recording. I told her that I was scheduled to hear the recording because I was told different information from what the brochure read and that I did not know that this was a time-share, because I was never told that it was. She said that I had 5 days to cancel after I received brochure and I told that I tried to but I was denied.

This chard is still on my card which is Citibank, because they refused to stop transaction and I called them after I talked to Ramada Inn.


East Point, Georgia

1 Updates & Rebuttals


East Point,
Finnally a response from Ramada Inn

#2Author of original report

Wed, April 09, 2003

I sent a letter to Dan Lambert by registered mail which was signed by Gina Johns on March 19, 2003, explaining my ordeal with the Sales Reps. of Ramada Inn. I requested a refund. I also sent a letter to Charles Bronson, Florida Department of Consumer Services on April 4,2003. When I got home, there was a letter of of apology dated April 1, 2003 from Gina Johns stating that my credit card would be credited back $698.00 in about 14 days depending on the bank that my credit card is with. Don't stop trying to get your money back. I followed the instructions of other people that got their money back and it worked.

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