  • Report:  #463133

Complaint Review: Gateway Computers - Www.gateway.com Nationwide

Reported By:
- dallas, Texas,

Gateway Computers
Www.gateway.com Www.gateway.com, www.gateway.com Nationwide, U.S.A.
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I HAVE NEVER experience such terrible customer service in my life... I bought a Gateway computer from walmart, really because of the price... I had heard they were flimsy so I made sure I bought an extended warranty in case something went wrong. After a couple of weeks the screen broke and I was not surprised that it was not covered, so I purchased a replacement screen and installed it myself. I was not in a big hurry as I had already bought another laptop. Up until that point I had only used the computer a few times. When turned the computer back on, it told me that the hard drive was no good, so I contacted gateway and they told me that my computer was out of warranty? funny how the warranty has expired after only a couple of months. So I called Walmart and they say that it is in warranty, and the warranty is good for a full year. So anyway, I go back and forth with gateway, they say that the serial number is not right, I send pictures of the serial number, they still say it is out of warranty so I send the reciepts showing when I purchased it, then they go back to the serial number is not correct. I mean this continued for over a month. I had given up for a little while but then I came in need of an additional lap top, I was about to just buy a hard drive and do it myself vs fooling with them again, but I said no, I got a warranty, they are going to have to fix this piece of junk. Anyway, this has been an exact repeat of before, it has been another month of going around in circles. I faxed them the reciept and photos of the serial number ths time so they can update there records. They told me it would be 48 hours, well, I never heard from anyone and it has been over a week. I contacted them this morning and they are going right back to square one saying it is out of warranty, but my reciept CLEARLY shows that I purchased it less than a year ago. They act as if they do not want to help, I get so many duplicate responses of things we had already discussed, request to redo things I have done over and over again... it has been hell, I am just going to wait until my warranty expires so I can let wal mart get it fixed, but not without letting the world know about this expeience. If you are thinking of purchasing a gateway, please, run the other way, not only is the computers junk, but they will do anything they can to not fix it, even it it means lying and sending you through a million and one hoops until you dont have the energy to deal with it anymore.


dallas, Texas


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