  • Report:  #440364

Complaint Review: Gateway Computers - Tampa Florida

Reported By:
- westminster, California,

Gateway Computers
Tampa, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased a gateway computer from hsn in Dec 2007 after one month the computer stopped working. I contacted HSN and was told that I would have to send it to Gateway because I had the computer over 30 days.

I sent it to Gateway and requested that they send another computer since it was only after 30 days that it was not working and was told all they could do was repair it.

It was repaired and it broke down at least 3 more times.

The computer broke down again two weeks ago so I decided to purchase another one.

Do not purchase a Gateway laptop the computer is a lemon and Gateway does not give a dam about its customers. As far as HSN goes they also don't give a dam because they keep selling that piece of crapp even though they get complainsts about Gateway. I repeat don't purchase a Gateway computer.


westminster, California


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