  • Report:  #4113

Complaint Review: vc store - Nationwide

Reported By:

vc store
Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
There are alot of complaints about vcstore but I happen to be very happy with them. I have never had any problems at all. Wonderful customer service etc. etc. Great company.

1 Updates & Rebuttals



Mon, January 01, 2001

The author of this Rip-off Report is obviously an employee, a friend of management or one satisfied customer out of every couple of hundred?

badbusinessbureau.com has received well over 300 emails telling how they were ripped off too.

Maybe the author of this report should call the VC store and find out why there are so many unsatisfied customers and let us know their response.

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