  • Report:  #355043

Complaint Review: Gateway Computers - Irvine California

Reported By:
- halesite, New York,

Gateway Computers
7565 Irvine Center Drive Irvine, 92618 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I bought a Gateway computer model GM5632E at Best Buy in New York back in January 2008. I noticed immediatly that the computer re-booted itself randomly for no apparent reason. Being busy, I missed the 7 day window to return it to the store. I then contacted Gateway directly, and then on February 5th, they sent me a box to return my computer to them for repair.

About a week later, I recieved the computer and found that it was not repaired. After turning the computer on for less than 10 minutes, the computer starting re-booting itself. I called Gateway again, and they had

me send the computer back again. This occured 4 times. After I recieved the computer back the forth time, it would not even boot up.

When I explained this to them and requested that they replace the unit, they declined. They told me all I can do is send it back to them (I have to pay for shipping) and they will try and fix it again. All they do is re-format the hard drive! This computer has not worked since I bought it. It cost over $1100 for just the box.

After several more phone calls spending multiple hours waiting, I finally got them to pay to ship it back, if I provide the box and deliver it to FedEx. I don't see how this will end any differently from the last 4 times, but I will proceed.


halesite, New York


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