  • Report:  #311407

Complaint Review: Gateway Computers - Irvine California

Reported By:
- carlisle, Pennsylvania,

Gateway Computers
877-362-2208 Irvine, 92618 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
A few weeks ago I purchased a Gateway Computer Model M 6750. The computer has a known defect that Gateway is giving me a difficult time resolving. The problem is with the cheap and inferior network card they used to save money in building their computer. The computer can not connect to the internet. Gateway is well aware of the problem and they tell me they are working on it. The network card and the driver don't work as they should.

What good is a laptop that you have to plug in to access the internet? Wake up Gateway and get it right. The American Public will not stand for your lack of customer service in resolving this problem. I hereby warn any potential laptop consumers to avoid buying anything from Gateway Computers. All they care about is making a profit. I am now the unsatisfied owner of a junk computer that can't access the internet. Gateway has shown me their true colors. They don't care that they are pumping out defective units and sticking it to the customer. Avoid buying anything from Gateway. I can't tell you what computer to purchase but know for a fact that Gateway knows they are selling junk model M 6750 computers that do little but gather dust. Signed David F. (Carlisle, PA).


carlisle, Pennsylvania


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