  • Report:  #27668

Complaint Review: Gatewat Computers - Lubbock Texas

Reported By:
- Lubbock, TX,

Gatewat Computers
Loop 298 Lubbock, Texas, U.S.A.
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I bought a Gateway computer about a year ago. The computer continuously broke down (both hardware & software problems) and was always in the shop. They would keep the computer for days at a time, and when I finally did get it back either the same problem still existed, or new problems had been added.

They were frankly lost over how to fix it, and I eventually had to get it fixed by an outside source. The computer still has a cd-drive that does not work correctly, and because a third party has worked on the computer Gateway refuses to work on it any more (even though I purchased a 3 year extended warranty).

They refuse to co-operate in any manner.


Lubbock, Texas

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