  • Report:  #2403

Complaint Review: video computer store - pipersville Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- warminster, pa,

video computer store
1607 easton rd. suite 1 pipersville, 18947 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I strongly urge everyone who has ever had any problem with vcs or cpsi to come forward and make a report.One voice can't do much,lots of voices can bring this crooked company down!Every complaint on here is true plus much more.

People spend their money in good faith and then the trouble starts.Some wait months for their computers,lots are charged after they have cancelled and then wait months for their refund if it ever comes.

They are given a 30 day return policy less shipping and when they receive bad cpus vcs drags their feet until their 30 days is over and then the customer is told it's past 30 days and they can't return it.I know these things are true because I worked there for almost a year and was terminated because I was due a raise.

Thousands of people are still waiting after almost a year for their $100.00 rebate from vcs.People have been waiting for over 5 months for a printer that's been discontinued.Customers have been treated rudely and lied to,hung up on,etc.

The only people who get any attention are customers that have been through so much that they threaten attorney general calls and better business bureau calls.I feel so sorry for these people and once again strongly urge all of you to step forward and complain.

It's time to put this very wealthy company out of business.They don't care about the consumer they only care about your money.

1 Updates & Rebuttals

no rebates, and no 3 year warrenty


Wed, August 15, 2001

This email is a rebuttal to RipOff #2403. It was sent by Dustin Hunt at [email protected]. video computer store:from the inside (#2403) They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report: Their email: [email protected] Their name: Dustin Hunt Their phone number: (812) 385-2368 Their relationship to the company: Another Victim Rebuttal: I purchased an AMD Athlon from the Video Computer Store and did not recieve all of it. I did not get my rebates either. I found out about the bankruptcy when I called the Tech Support. I am now stuck with SOME of my computer which is not working properly, , yet I am paying the FULL amount.

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