  • Report:  #197862

Complaint Review: Ramada Inn Airport South - Atlanta Georgia

Reported By:
- woodinville, Washington,

Ramada Inn Airport South
1551 Phoenix Blvd Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Travek agent booked us here as we arrived late and next early Am we flew to S Africa. It said 1 mile from the airpport,provides allday airport shuttle. It took us 45 min after standing in heat to be picked up, having many left behind shouting f letter words at driver. A Nigerian guy sweating alone loaded bags. I gave him the bag personally and he said, lady go get your seat now!!" I got on the sat.

At Ramada, we got off exuasted and discovered that my bag was not put in the back of the van. He denied seeing my bag. I spent 2 hours talking to the front desk, took a cab to airport and so on.

Hotel is missing a letter R. It read AMADA. Run down, operated by foreign owner, room was old, smelly and dirt. I was ready to scream.

I called the front to tell that water is leaking a lot from the airconditioner or broken window. We packed and moved to another oom. It was a smoking room. It stunk and door lock was broken. We were too tired to complain and went to bed in this bad neighborhood.We slept fistfully till 6 am(4 hours) and asked for a shuttle.

They did not have one even though they advertise it. Called taxi and almost missed flight with a slow driver.

My bag mysteriously showed up at S African airline counter (Unite). No one knows how it got there. (It still had Delta tag from Seattle). My husband refuse to use Atlanta airport and goes way bout of his way to avoid it. I do too.

Do not stay at Ramada Inn airport hotel. It was not cheap either for 4 hour sleep in a dump.($87)A rat hole.


woodinville, Washington

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Menlo Park,
Avoid "courtesy" shuttles....

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 24, 2006

How about calling back the travel agent, and sharing your experiences? Or an even sweeter revenge: share your experiences on as many hotel review sites as you can find. (Do an on-line search for Ramada Inn Atlanta + review.) To avoid some parts of this bad experience: Whatever any hotel advertises, avoid those "hotel courtesy" shuttles. They are usually unreliable - regardless of the price, general level of service of a hotel. Use them if they are "happen to be there", but have always a RELIABLE backup plan. All day could mean anything from every 15 minutes to every 6 hours... Usually hotels only have a couple of vans/buses, there is no way to accomodate all the guests at all time. Even if the hotel courtesy shuttle service is reliable, it is very important to make reservation for an early morning ride to the airport on the previous evening. Atlanta airport have a very reliable shared-ride shuttle service (for fee), departing every 15 minutes to Atlanta, and every 30 minutes to outside Atlanta. The same shuttle service provides ride back to the airport too. (You have to make reservation either on the airport, or via phone.) For shuttle options of other ariports, make an on-line search for the airport, and look for the "ground transportation" link. Something else. There are very nice, hospitable cities with terrible or very limited taxi services. If you prefer to use taxi over shared-ride to go to the airport, give plenty of time. The time you have to wait for an early morning taxi could be 30-45 minutes!!! (I would recommend to call the taxi operator on the previous night, and ask if you can pre-order taxi to a specific time, or ask about the average morning waiting time.)

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