  • Report:  #186565

Complaint Review: CompUsa - Internet

Reported By:
- East Dublin, Georgia,

Online Stores Internet, U.S.A.
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Thinking that I was dealing w/a reputable co.,I purchased a Sony desktop PC from CompUsa.com on 1/6/06,complete w/a $100.00 boagus rebate, evidently, attached.After doing everything required to receive my rebate,I have got nothing but the runaround.After emailing back & forth w/6 different zombies in N.C.,they decided to send me to the west coast (california home-base). I received the same zombified treatment,claiming they have no record of my "account",even tho I gave all inv.& del.ticket #s. The worst part is that they don't even want to TRY to get this rectified.

The $100 rebate was a selling feature that I was relying on to apply towards my new PC (credit card).After discovering CompUsa has shafted countless other innocent consumers,I've concluded that they are blatant scammers to the highest degree & these folks need to be brought to light.This is the worst bad-business practice that I have encountered in my 46 yrs.

I hope this will enlighten other unsuspecting & prospective CompUsa customers as to what to expect from these cons-NADA!!


East Dublin, Georgia

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Technology Assurance Program will get you your rebate,

#2UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 23, 2006

Please come to CompUSA in Bloomington Minnesota, We would do the same thing. You did not fill the rebate out correctly. you do not deserve your money. I looked up your order and past orders and you have never bought our Technology Assurance Program. If you do not buy this we do not really care about you. That is what we get paid on. You want your rebate money? Come in and buy a replacement plan. We are not here to sound like jerks but we need to get paid. Management is always on us to sell TAP and Compcares. If you do not you are not a customer. Plain and Simple. Our Regional manager, Jay, came in this week from Denver and he stated our store has never been run so great. Our numbers are the best they have ever been. He said we need to keep up what we are doing. That is because we know how to sell. If we were doing poorly, he would have stated it and we would be being lectured. He ahd nothing but praise. If you have a problem wiht rebates you need to talk to the manufacturer. I know when our boss Mitch takes care of problems he always gives the number to the manufacturer. He will always check DW Webb to see if you are a TAP Customer. If you are he will make an acception. That is the way he does it so that is the way I do it and my other coworkers do the same. We have meetings once a month on Sundays for this. Please call our store in Bloomington MN. We could probably do something. We sell Taps as low as $9.99. That is worth it for a big rebate. Look up store phone number online. Ask for Mitch, Adam, or LeNae. I would leave a phone number but the site does not allow it, I ahve worked for CompUSA for 2 years. our customer service is way better than best Buys and Circuit Cities. You can trust us on that. We are here to serve you but you have to understand we are in the business to make money too. I am sure you can understand. We are not here to to rip you off. We are here to help you. Just come in and have a front end person call someone in managment.


CompUsa's Rebate Pack Mule Arrived

#3Author of original report

Mon, May 22, 2006

Well, I finally received my $100 rebate today(5/22/06)from CompUsa & I'll have to say it is very much needed & appreciated,but I sure put a lot of man-hours in it to get it.After threatening to ramrod a class-action suit,they finally "found" my submittal.That's not to mention the 24 different Emails back & forth w/24 different people.You can bet that next time I make a major purchase,I will check out the real scoop on these cons out there by going to Rip-off Report.com. Thanks for everything & I hope everbody sticks to their guns w/CompUsa & can get your well-earned rebates. Walton


CompUsa's Rebate Pack Mule Arrived

#4Author of original report

Mon, May 22, 2006

Well, I finally received my $100 rebate today(5/22/06)from CompUsa & I'll have to say it is very much needed & appreciated,but I sure put a lot of man-hours in it to get it.After threatening to ramrod a class-action suit,they finally "found" my submittal.That's not to mention the 24 different Emails back & forth w/24 different people.You can bet that next time I make a major purchase,I will check out the real scoop on these cons out there by going to Rip-off Report.com. Thanks for everything & I hope everbody sticks to their guns w/CompUsa & can get your well-earned rebates. Walton


CompUsa's Rebate Pack Mule Arrived

#5Author of original report

Mon, May 22, 2006

Well, I finally received my $100 rebate today(5/22/06)from CompUsa & I'll have to say it is very much needed & appreciated,but I sure put a lot of man-hours in it to get it.After threatening to ramrod a class-action suit,they finally "found" my submittal.That's not to mention the 24 different Emails back & forth w/24 different people.You can bet that next time I make a major purchase,I will check out the real scoop on these cons out there by going to Rip-off Report.com. Thanks for everything & I hope everbody sticks to their guns w/CompUsa & can get your well-earned rebates. Walton


CompUsa's Rebate Pack Mule Arrived

#6Author of original report

Mon, May 22, 2006

Well, I finally received my $100 rebate today(5/22/06)from CompUsa & I'll have to say it is very much needed & appreciated,but I sure put a lot of man-hours in it to get it.After threatening to ramrod a class-action suit,they finally "found" my submittal.That's not to mention the 24 different Emails back & forth w/24 different people.You can bet that next time I make a major purchase,I will check out the real scoop on these cons out there by going to Rip-off Report.com. Thanks for everything & I hope everbody sticks to their guns w/CompUsa & can get your well-earned rebates. Walton

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