21, Report:
Posted Date:
Nov 13 2020
CELIXI Celixi.com, Earphone Connection, Earphoneconnection, celixi.com Celixi is a fraud site
These criminals stole over $500 from us and our family. They sent us nothing and just entered a fake tracking number for another package that was sent to some other address over 100 miles from our location. They withdrew all the money and then stopped answering us. We had to file 3 ...
Jane, Chicago, United States
Categories: electronics, Audio & Electronics Shops
22, Report:
Posted Date:
Nov 11 2020
Airpodsites.com Airpod sites, air pod sites, AirPodsites, is a fraudulent site
These crooks stole over $250 from us. They sent us nothing. All they did was put in a fake tracking number in PayPal to end our dispute. The tracking turned out to be another package that went to someone else in our state but not us. We received nothing. We found out too late that t...
Marie, Tampa, United States
Categories: Electronics, Audio & Electronics Shops
23, Report:
Posted Date:
Nov 07 2020
altrose.us Altrose.us, Altrose, Alt Rose Altrose.us is a scam website. Beware
They stole all of our money and sent nothing. The address and contact info they list is fake. They're really in China and they have hundreds of similar scam sites set up and make new ones every day. They stole form us and just ignored all messages. They need to be put in jail.
Wendy, San Francisco, United States
Categories: electronics, Audio & Electronics Shops, electronics
24, Report:
Posted Date:
Nov 07 2020
miller-electronics.com Miller Electronics, Miller-Electronics, Miller-electronics.com Miller-Eelectronics is a fraudulent site not located in the USA - they are really in China
This is a fraudulent site. They stole our money, we lost over $200 and all we got was a fake tracking number. The contact info listed is all fake. They're located in China, not the USA. They have a phony site with fake sales on popular items so that they can steal your money and the...
Jessie, Los Angeles, United States
Categories: electronics, Audio & Electronics Shops, electronics
25, Report:
Posted Date:
Nov 06 2020
chalkochlor.us Chalkochlor.us, Chalkochlor Calkochlor.us is a fraudulent website - buyers beware
Chalkochlor.us stole over $7000 from us, this is a fraud website. They also tried to hack into our Paypal account and our bank account. The site has a fake business address and fake contact info listed. They're really in China, and have over 1000 of these fake fraud sites. The track...
James, Portland, United States
Categories: electronics, Audio & Electronics Shops
26, Report:
Posted Date:
Nov 06 2020
Bospods.com, bossairpod, bosspods, bos pods, boss pods, boss airpod Bospods.com is a fraudulent website
This site is fraudulent. They stole over $500 from us and sent us nothing. They input a false tracking number that we found out was for someone else's package, not even anything sent to us, and they did this just to avoid us disputing the charge long enough to take the money and run...
Barbara, Newark, NJ, United States
Categories: electronics, Audio & Electronics Shops
27, Report:
Posted Date:
Nov 05 2020
fetalometry.us Fetalometry.us, Fetalometry Fetalomtry.us is a fraudulent website
This site is a scam. Their address is fake. They stole over $300 from us and just gave us nothing but a fake tracking. It turns out they seem to have many similar sites, all with different fake addresses in the USA but they're really in China. We cannot get any response or track the...
Jessica, Chicago, United States
Categories: electronics, Audio & Electronics Shops, electronics
28, Report:
Posted Date:
Nov 04 2020
Clincher.us, Clincher stole our money and they cannot be traced
Clincher.us is a fraud site. They stole our money and then just refuse to reply. They put in a fake tracking number that was really for someone else's package, but never sent us anything. They have a fake address and contact info listed, but we found out they really operate out of C...
Mary, Miami
Categories: Electronics, Audio & Electronics Shops
29, Report:
Posted Date:
Nov 03 2020
secondgear.us Second Gear, Secondgear.us, secondgear Secondgear.us is a fraudulent site
Secondgear.us stole over $500 from us, and they tried to hack into our Paypal account and our bank account. The site has a fake business address and fake contact info listed. They're really in China, and have over 100 of these fake fraud sites. The tracking they enter is just anothe...
Jacob, Orlando
Categories: electronics, Audio & Electronics Shops, electronics
30, Report:
Posted Date:
Oct 30 2020
https://www.airfuns.us/ AIRFUNS.US, AIRFUNS, AIRFUN, AIR FUNS Airfuns.us stole from us and they're a fake website
They stole over $300 from us. We saw their so called ads on google and ordered Airpods from them foolishly falling for their scam. They never sent anything. They just gave us some phony tracking that we checked and was for another shipment to someone else, like 100 miles from our ho...
George, Newark, United States
Categories: Audio & Electronics Shops, electronics