2, Report:
Posted Date:
Jun 26 2024
Tanner Manning, Poet driver Cheated on me with his current wife got me pregnant and left South Dakota
My name is Sarah and I don't know where to start. Tanner and I were seeing each other since January 2023, to my shock I discovered that he had another family when searching the internet I found that he is married and has a child. He was mean when confronted about it. This guy is a d...
Tanner Manning
Tanner Manning
Sarah, Tea, Sd, United States
Categories: Cheating, Bad Family Man, Harassing Women,, Fraud, Truth
9, Report:
Posted Date:
Nov 16 2023
Scott Frechette Frechette's Auto Sales Scott Frechette STD spreader Buckfield Maine
Scott Frechete is a known STD spreader, and abuser of women. He funds himself by selling cars, and trucks ripping people off.
Scott Frechette
Scott Frechette
shadowless, United States
Categories: Auto Mechanics, Fraud, Cheating, Bad Family Man, Harassing Women,
10, Report:
Posted Date:
Dec 14 2023
Gregg Havass Cheated and facebook troll Boynton Beach Florida
Beware ladies,
Gregg Havass likes to come off as a good guy, who voluntered with children for 20 years. However his program was ended by the county 4 years ago. Yet it is all he talks about, as he hasn't done anything since.
He spends his time trolling women on Facebook, sending a...
Gregg Havass
Gregg Havass
Trust your gut feelings!, Florida, Unite...
Categories: Cheating, Bad Family Man, Harassing Women,