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  • Report:  #23682

Complaint Review: ZymaX....the diet pill

ZymaX ..the diet pill ripoff of the worst kind ..but advertisement regularly appeared in Fitness magazine

  • Reported By:
    Murfreesboro TN
  • Submitted:
    Sat, June 29, 2002
  • Updated:
    Sat, June 29, 2002
  • ZymaX....the diet pill
    both addresses are unsure b/c of dispute over involvement
    Murfreesboro, Tennessee
  • Phone:
  • Category:

"ZymaX" is a ripoff of the worst kind. It preys on those looking for a quick and easy way to loose weight. Those who despirately want to believe this is the solution to their problems. The advertisements found for this pill make it sound irrestistable.

The truth is however, it does not work with everyone. As it is with any diet regimen. Also, upon urging and hardcore nagging i got the sales representative to tell me how much one can expect to loose. Her answer was 1 pound a week. That is nothing like the claims, testimonials and figures given in the advertisement.

If that is not enough...their so called money back refund seems to be nonexistant according to other ripoff reports. Plus, the question as to where this company came from and if it is part of Zymax-Denman Scientific Research should put up a red flag in anyones eyes.

Also, the claim of no side effects because it is completely herbal is not an answer. Herbal supplements can be just as detrimental as anything else taken in the wrong does or combination. Some have the same effect as many prescription and nonprescription drugs.

My point is this. Think long and hard about the decision of ordering this product and anything else you plan on putting in your body. I got off easy. I decided upon further investigation of the drug not to order it. I am glad I didn't because if I decided I didn't want it I probibly wouldn't have gotten my money back anyway.

This offer is so tempting is seems the miracle drug, even more effective than liposuction, as the advertisment suggestests. Basically they say everything the overweight person wants to hear. Think logically and make a wise decision on the facts, not just on hope.

With all the questions surrounding this pill, it should make even the extremely trustling person take a second glance. That is exactly what I suggest one do. Read testimonials and then do research. Even call the 800 number and ask hard and percise questions. I think you will find every answer seems to be exactly what they know you want to hear or, in contrast, a far cry from what the advertisement implies.

Murfreesboro, Tennessee

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