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  • Report:  #235642

Complaint Review: Zoe Ministries Bishop Jordan Bishop E. Bernard Jordan E. Bernard Jordan

Zoe Ministries, Bishop Jordan, Bishop E. Bernard Jordan,, Email Spam, Spamers, Repeated Telamarketing, Mail Spam New York New York

  • Reported By:
    humble Texas
  • Submitted:
    Mon, February 12, 2007
  • Updated:
    Mon, February 12, 2007
  • Zoe Ministries, Bishop Jordan, Bishop E. Bernard Jordan, E. Bernard Jordan
    P.O. Box 270
    New York, New York
  • Phone:
  • Category:

We saw Bishop E. Bernard Jordan on T.V one day. He claims to be a prohet. Many Celebs were in his show claiming he was the real thing and I was sold.

I called to a prophetic reading for myself, husband, and son. I called and they wanted allot of my information. Ounce I gave them all of my information, including my sons and husbands information they told me you can expect you prophetic reading in the mail in 3 to 7 days.

I was like what? The TV show/comercial said it would be from him personaly and to call right now, little did I know it would come through mail. The TV show/comercial said HE can do it over the phone, no matter where you are. He said, call today, right now and get your personal prophetic reading from me Bishop Jordan.

Anyway, within no time we all got our mail and this "Bishop Jordan" was so off, it was too funny!!! We were asked to give a seed of 3,000. each. Now that was even funnier. I thought that would be the end of it, but then I started getting SPAM like crazy. Through my emails, my phone and regular mail.

Please note: we were getting emails, phone calls and regular mail times 3. Meaning one email, phone call and reg. mail for each one of us back to back.

We would get a phone call for each one of us, one right after the other. Way too annoying! I asked through email to be removed off there emailing list, calling list and mail list in behalf of my son (13yrs. old), my husband and myself.

A week went by and I thought that was the end of it. Boy was I wrong. It only made things worse. May I add I am registered in the Texas No Call Regestry. They are so hard to get a hold off.

So far nothing has worked for me. I emailed them repeatedly to remove me and to knock it off, I have sent back all mail (return to sender/no longer lives here) and tried calling with no solution. All the numbers they list are for you to give money or what they call seed.

They are driving me crazy. I don't know what else to do. I just want them to leave me alone.

humble, Texas

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