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  • Report:  #1525478

Complaint Review: ZenDesk

ZenDesk zendesk upgrade annual subs scam - not allowed to rectify to monthly if mistake in order process San Francisco California

  • Reported By:
    Tom — London London United Kingdom
  • Submitted:
    Fri, March 31, 2023
  • Updated:
    Fri, March 31, 2023

Zendesk is an excellent help desk software system and in 15 years i never had an issue, However the one time i needed assistance for an order mistake  - i ordered annual apparently for a susbscription upgrade instead of the monthly i thought i had ordered.. 
I only knew there was a mistake when a massive bill of $1100+ came through instead of $118!!!

I didnt panic as i knew Zendesk was awesome - wrong!   i was unable to contact billing and it took many many hours to get to someone to tell me they would refer me to finance and they would come back to me by email.... 

i was delayed for days and then refused on the basis it was an old order.. mid term downgrade...!


  1. we were forced to upgrade to get talk and voice packages 
  2. we selected a monthly upgrade but we make a mistake going back and forth reading and comparing plans and  it went back on to annual as  we upgraded
  3. we did not know we had made a mistake until  surprise bill  we were not expecting arrived
  4. we got none of the services delivered no talk no text
  5. we then got told tough luck by Zendesk people  in billing as it was a mid-term downgrade request - and not us asking for assistance on a duff order mistake!!!!

So appalled i have opened a charge back and provided feedback in the zendesk communty in the hope someone wll try to resolve this appaling service and bad order form that stung us for annual instead of monthly!!!

so i am writing this here in case there is any one who cares at Zendesk and they can resolve this scenario!   Zendesk is the best tool and tech support is wonderful and very sad for them all t is undermined by the billing and finance BPO.

Zendesk upgrade ordering its almost like a scam when you think of this:

  1. Within the subs/billing section you can see other subs/plans - all good
  2. But the order process set to tip into annual if move off page and back
  3. then if you are caught you dont see it.. until too late you wont know as it wont tell you.
  4. the upgrade goes through you will only know you got annual by mistake if you get a whopping bill payment instead of the monthly
  5. Then you think ah ok that's fine I'm sure the Zendesk billing team are good people who can fix that... 


1) you cant contact them it takes days - you have to get referred by sales or tech support who tell you its not their dept they will get them to email you.. just wait!!!!
2)  you think ah ok thats fine I'm sure they are going to do the ethical thing any reputable business who should have the decency to do and fix your mistake with the order...


They are not even part of Zendesk -  Manila based foreign not native english speaking, they try very hard on sweat shop wages to please their greedy bosses who make the money from Zendesk USA  -they have to juggle several scripts and companies at the same time- for appalling wages under quite appealing conditions - i kjnow i lived there 15 years. So im not blaming the filipinos who work in the call center - they cannot understand you or communicate without a whole team of them trying to read and interpret your message, 
they are trained to close cases and paid to close cases  thats the purpose not to help but to get the center bosses paid...  they are a BPO based in Manila who also operate for other companies in large call centers... So they wont answer or get the ticket  for ages.. then when they do.. they hit you with a canned answer and curve ball...

"sorry we cannot downgrade you midterm as per policy!!!

it was no mid term it was seconds old when i saw the mistake!!!!

not ah no problem we see your mistake

1) let us fix that for you
2) let us fix the website so others dont fall down the same hole

What the hell is happening to the decent standards that were once the hallmark of a 15 year customer with 3 zendesks and until now never an issue,  i am appalled and disgusted at this service!   


We are small we cant afford to lose 1KUSD when we bought $118PM








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