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  • Report:  #1627

Complaint Review: WORKING ASSETTS


  • Reported By:
    Georgetown ma
  • Submitted:
    Tue, March 21, 2000
  • Updated:
    Tue, March 21, 2000
    101 Market St, STE 700
    SAN FRANCISCO, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I recently bought a computer, my first, through Gateway and they gave me one "free" year of America on-line. When choosing the required access numbers I chose two numbers I can dial with the usual seven digits. They decided to dial a number that was not in my local calling area (the other number was) and ran my Working Assetts bill upwards toward one thousand dollars. I didn't know this until I received my monthly bill that is usually only $60.00. I called everyone from Gateway to AOL to Bell Atlantic. Come to find out just because you can dial direct with 7 digits and live th next town over and you used to be in your calling zone means diddly. And all my explaining and pleading got me zip. Stuck. Now here is a company that prides itself on it's humanitarian efforts and donates to all sorts of charities to "make a better world". Ya right! They would not help me at all. I have to pay it all. Be careful folks and remember to check it all out because big business has no heart.They will only give me a six month payment plan. Ya right. Ma bell strikes again. The FCC is "trying" to regulate them, to no avail. There are tons of people in my shoes I'm sure. Lambs led to slaughter!

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