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  • Report:  #1332

Complaint Review: Bartolis Cleaners

worked 2 weeks, didnt get paid

  • Reported By:
    glendale az
  • Submitted:
    Mon, February 21, 2000
  • Updated:
    Mon, February 21, 2000
  • Bartoli,s Cleaners
    9103 north central
    Phoenix, arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I Paul Snitselaar worked at this business from june 21st through July 1st. A total of $1000.00 was owed me. I received a check on the day i quit for the first few days i worked for $250.00. It was unsigned. I sent the check back to the company with a note asking them to reissue that check and another check for the following week. I received neither. I didnt pursue it then , because i find it hardd to to that stuff. But after receiving a w-2 for $1000.00 i did not receive, i got very upset. I called the company and she said she would void the checks and set it straight with the IRS. I just want the money owed me. I sent them a fax asking them to send me the checks by february 29th or i would go to the labor board. So far i have heard nothing

Paul Snitselaar

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