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  • Report:  #1524416

Complaint Review: William Baker

William Baker Hanni @FINNAH4 @dbcooper_dbc @CrucialDexter @StoppersFraud Melvin Seaton drenwb is more commonly known by his nickname of "Hanni" and is a stalker and fraud. Kelowna British Colombia

  • Reported By:
    hve8ggk0 — Philippines
  • Submitted:
    Tue, February 07, 2023
  • Updated:
    Tue, February 07, 2023

William Baker lives in Kelowna, British Colombia, Canada.

He engages in internet stalking, internet fraud and regularly makes threats against others.

He created the fake Twitter called @StoppersFraud (run as Fraud Stoppers) and pretends to be actively engaging in anti-fraud.

FraudStoppers is increasingly exposed as fake because it has no website or any contact information.

FraudStoppers is a fake Twitter used for staking and fraud, and is run by Willam Baker alongside his many other Twitter accounts.

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