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  • Report:  #1002

Complaint Review: Wells Fargo Bank

Wells Fargo Rip Off

  • Reported By:
    Garden Grove CA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, December 15, 1999
  • Updated:
    Wed, December 15, 1999
  • Wells Fargo Bank
    San Fransico, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

For several years Wells Fargo Bankcard had a program where they would give a "cash" amount, to be used for morgage/refi's, based on a percent of the amount you charged on their card. Many people, like myself, had hundreds and even thousands on dollars saved in this program. But, before we could use the money to help with home buying, Wells Fargo quit the program and converted the MONEY into POINTS. The POINTS were for their new program, a airline ticket program. The RIP OFF is when they converted the MONEY into POINTS a dollar was worth a few cents.
People who saved hundreds for the chance to buy a home where left with a few dollars worth of airline ticket POINTS. I spoke with several consumer groups who reviewed the conversion and said Wells Fargo made millions on the conversion. I want to start a class action lawsuit. Lets get started!

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