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  • Report:  #2665

Complaint Review: Wells Fargo Bank

Wells Fargo Bank (OF COURSE!!!)

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 15, 2000
  • Updated:
    Sat, July 15, 2000
  • Wells Fargo Bank
    Executive Office P.O. Box 63710
    San Francisco, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I've been a customer of WFB for 15 years on and off. When I first started banking there, it was because my bank (Crocker) had been bought out, so basically it was banking "under duress". I soon changed banks to Barclay's. It too was soon bought out by WFB. I decided to just keep WFB because of the many locations and the convenience. I don't like big banks. They are impersonal and don't care about their customers. They only care about the almighty dollar. Wells Fargo has now closed virtually ALL of its branches in my area. There are some supermarket branches, but the lines are long and you wait up to 25 minutes in some cases. WFB has taken all its branches and personal service away from us, the consumers; basically forced us to use ATMs if we are in a hurry; and then has decided on ridiculously early "cut-off" times with our deposits (RIP-OFF!), so that if we are short on funds and we make a deposit AFTER 4 p.m. (so it doesn't post until NEXT business day), we are virtually guaranteed an overdraft. It's time for a reality check here! Wells Fargo Bank used to have cut-off time for deposits at 6:00 p.m. I could ALWAYS make that time. Quite a few of us work 8-5. How come the cut-off time is 4 p.m. when the vast majority work 8-5? HELLO!!! It MUST be so that that WFB can GUARANTEE customers will overdraw their accounts. Therefore, WFB is generating a significant cash-cow at their customer's expense. They can say good-bye to my business. I'm headed for River City Bank where the tellers are courteous and know you PERSONALLY. I just hope they don't get bought out by WFB.

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