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  • Report:  #1491581

Complaint Review: Wealth Nation LLC.

Wealth Nation, LLC. Robert Terell Rob Terell Wealth Nation Entertainment, LLC. Every promise is a lie to get your money* Atlanta GA

  • Reported By:
    YOUR DADDY — Atlanta GA United States
  • Submitted:
    Wed, February 12, 2020
  • Updated:
    Fri, March 06, 2020

To save myself from getting more defamation/libel threats from them, I'll state that everything I'm about to say below are things that I would testify to under penalty of perjury. I have facts behind me here, they don't.

I saw the old complaints against this business so I'm gonna give them one that they CAN'T rebuttal so they can finally be investigated properly. Just to be clear, I've done a lot in a year and by all means fit the industry's "criteria" to get a meeting with one of the five labels that they mentioned as places they had connections with.

Come to discover that these people couldn't even get me one single meeting, not even with their apparent "home" label, Sony. Also, more than $2,000 worth of services were paid for and NEVER rendered including legal services and thousand dollar radio campaigns, to name a few. Even when my brand had money to invest into streaming numbers leading up to the meetings, it was instead routed to their in-house magazine that no one was buying with the promise that my brand's "numbers were okay" and not to worry because the cover story was apparently the better move; just for them to turn around after "shopping deals" and say (with zero paper trail or any proof of effort) that the label's were telling them that "my numbers weren't good enough" or somehow just disappearing on Robs emails regarding signing my brand.

Great contacts they have from the sound of it, apparently! Keep in mind here too, we're talking about an artist with millions of streams...nvm anything else that my brand offers that makes it's value so high to begin with!

What that narrows it down to for me is that either the initial connections were exaggerated, or that there was literally no effort put in to shop deals after the contract was up, which is exactly the OPPOSITE of what was promised!! After all, that was what we just spent 6 months working towards, wasn't it? There was quick effort by them to try and sign me back up for another 6 months of their scamming though...naturally there was no wait on that offer!! 

The point is, with where my brand is compared to older reviews on this same company, I know these people won't DARE come on here and say my brand or work ethic is the reason that they couldn't pull through on a deal because they KNOW that would be an outright lie compared to other reviewers. Nor will they try and say it's money because I invested $30k in my brand outside of them and over $7,000 with them that they just squandered for opportunities that never came to light for my brand! 

To further bolster my point, since I've severed ties with them, I've reviewed one record deal myself from a label backed by one of the 3 majors and fielded emails for countless more without this supposed "management team" putting in the effort or the solicited calls that they were paid to do. That just shows you that they aren't capable of anything when an unsolicited artist is getting his own hits from cold e-mail campaigns and not even calling anyone yet; sorry there are just no excuses when you compare the two, none. They are nobodies and nobody knows them enough to help them anywhere close to what they say they can.

Thank God the wording of their own awfully written contracts offers me complete legal recourse but I expect they'll adjust that after I focused so hard on the chinks in that armor so please, don't make the same mistake that I did and just steer clear of this pyramid scheme. Find a real team that cares about you and puts in real effort, not one that disappears the second they think your cash flow does because those people don't care about you, just your money. What a little picture kind of hustle if you ask me!

To add:

At the timing of this review, I offered multiple chances for communication and asked for a refund several times. I specifically stated that I was unhappy with the status of the contract and it's delivery, as well as the other paid services that they failed to provide only to be met with threats because apparently amicably defending yourself against them is a perceived "threat" by this "business"; understandable why they acted like that though I mean what else can they do?

To me, it just further validates their guilty stance by choosing to take such an aggressive approach to an artist that they avoided replying to on even the simplest of updates with for basically a month (I had to use a liason to get answers). I poked the bear with warnings of a lawsuit to finally get a reply and offered to settle for an amount that would still see me lose almost A THIRD of what I put in just so we can all avoid small-claims court but I was laughed at; a mistake that will cost this business in many, many ways long after I've typed this. I wasn't the one, now I'll never let you hustle another kid with your pipe-dream rambling. I cross filed with the Atlanta BBB too and the maestro is just getting warmed up!

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Your Daddy

United States

Couldn't wait to read this 

#3Author of original report

Fri, March 06, 2020

 They basically proved they didn't even read the rebuttal or pay attention when I was on the roster. Lmao from the sound of it, they obviously paid no attention to what I said to them for the entire 6 months, those plays came from MY creations and MY brand and no one would EVER dispute that who knows me even a little because I own the publishing rights to those songs with the plays.

The only people that think those aren't mine are the one's that lie about what they can do for artists. Not my plays, WOW. The sheer ignorance of that comment ALONE makes it 100% clear that they have NO idea what is going on. They never showed ANY proof that they reached out to get meetings and if they think my plays aren't mine, it makes sense why they lack critical thinking skills.

Let's throw them a bone lmao...even if this was somehow true and those plays weren't mine (again, seriously an ignorant comment on their part), that would still mean (again if we believe the stupidity of the rebuttal) that they strung me along for 6 months in the hopes of me getting meetings knowing full well we would end up right here in this same boat!! AND, the plays were why they took me on to begin with!!

In my state, you can record calls so I think if I went back far enough, I could prove THAT statement of theirs a lie as well as everything else, they picked the wrong one. Either way, they exaggerated or just flat out didn't understand my brand after 6 months and didn't try nor did they give my brand basically ANYTHING else that was paid for like I said above including legal services. Screw their copy and paste rebuttal, how slimy is it that you have to say "we'd never guarantee anything" in a contract?

I NEVER said they guaranteed anything, I said they never tried and it's true; I've gotten way more feedback than they EVER got and they supposedly have a home label and 4 other labels. Lies, lies, lies, and honestly the WEAKEST form of hustle you can do. Honestly idk how these people sleep at night but the card castle will come tumbling down, the contract left me 24 different ways, see you soon! 

Also, I attached my numbers sheet from Spinnup. Not only do you have to be logged in to access that, but it connected both of artist names through the rebrand so again, there'd no way that they didn't know I had those numbers or that they were "someone else's" or whatever nonsense. The dealmaker just can't make deals I guess also, notice how he didn't reply to anything else I said in my initial complaint? I sure did!

Robert Terell

United States

Unrealistic Expectations of an independent artist

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 05, 2020

Over the last two decades we've worked with thousands of artists around the country, many of whom are very grateful for the service and the help that we've provided them in efforts to advance their career objectives. However, it never fails to amaze when an artist doesn't have the numbers a/k/a "digital analytics" and overall brand viability or monetization to secure a major label meeting or deal.

the first thing they always do is look to "BLAME" someone else or point the finger at anybody else except themselves. In response to these false accusations, libel, and slander, which is well documented for legal purposes. Our response is that your music and your links were sent out to our major label contacts and NONE of the A&R's were interested in having a formal meeting to discuss moving forward with the project at this time....

Furthermore the streams you claim you have are listed under another artist's project who already has a name in the industry and those streams are NOT from your own record!! Additionally, major labels do not just look at one part of a brand, they look at the whole brand in its entirety when evaluating a potential signing situation. In this case we cannot force a label to have a meeting with any artist that we're working with. 

We were working with you in a consulting capacity and did operate with you in good faith to help your brand develop. We are an "artist development" company, we're not your management or investor and therefore are not required contractually or otherwise to secure you a major label deal signing. We offered to help shop your deal to our contacts AT NO COST to you, so please stop the lying, deceit, and manipulation as you're attempting I presume to diminish our brand reputation somehow?

We will not stoop down to the level of ignorance and negative energy that you're attempting to disseminate and NOBODY important that we work with will even listen to this nonsense because we have built our relationships successfully for over 20 years and will continue to be successful and build brands and work with artists and record labels around the world. 

Hopefully you can find a better use of your time and be more productive with actually building your brand so that hopefully you will meet the requirements of viabilty, monetization, and scalability in the future if you want to eventually be considered by a major label. Lastly attached is a copy of "YOUR CONSULTING CONTRACT" that you signed with us which clearly states EXACTLY what our services would be and also contains the following disclosure: Consultant does not and cannot ethically, professionally, or otherwise guarantee a specific result or outcome of consultant's efforts as a result of this agreement. Consultant promises to act in good faith and put forth 100% focus, effort, and energy towards achieveing client's goals which is a mutual benefit to consultant and client.    

So good luck attempting to prove that we did not act in good faith and we also did not "GUARANTEE" you a record deal or a specific result from consulting with your brand. There is NOTHING GUARANTEED in the music business except the efforts you decide to put into a project and we have a substancial amount of "PROOF" beyond any doubts that we acted in good faith for the term of the agreement.  



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