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  • Report:  #1036

Complaint Review: Waterland Productions

Waterland Productions

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Thu, December 23, 1999
  • Updated:
    Thu, December 23, 1999
  • Waterland Productions
    17351 Murphy Ave
    Irvine, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I signed with this company a year ago, offering numerous dedicated hours of work and personal equipment to help propel them into the business of multimedia and 3D animation. In the months to come I would find that this company preys on youthful unsuspecting talents and sucks them dry by promising benefits and suitable pay but when the time comes to collect, they either delay or deny their promises. Salary was often held back for months at a time with empty promises to have it payed off. Salary deductions like taxes and "employment training" (which is an unfounded deduction) would be withheld but would not be filed and went right into the pockets of the owners who would squander the companies money on office equipment and company cars that would be to their own benefit. Even as an outside contractor (after I quit), doing various animations, graphics, and post production for video, they refuse to pay on time. Payments would not be seen for up to 5 months. They still owe me upwards of $2000 in services already rendered. They refuse to return my calls.

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