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  • Report:  #6064

Complaint Review: vcstore

VCstore help for people ripped off by George Capell

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Tue, August 07, 2001
  • Updated:
    Tue, August 07, 2001

Many consumers that were ripped off by VCstore, a.k.a. Video Computer Store or VCS or Direct 2 U are just finding out that these companies were not reputable.
What's more, many seem to not know what to do, and are posting here on this site. Hopefully they will not only post but take the time to look for information on what to do. Here's the information:

The Attorney General of Pennsylvania has filed 2, count 'em two lawsuits against VCStore in order to recover money for consumers that were defrauded. It's important for you to call the AG and do it soon. Someone says that you have another 4 weeks to do so. Things are going to trial soon and you'll not want to be late.

To Contact the Attorney General of Pennsylvania:
215-560-2414 - if you live outside Pennsylvania
800-441-2555 - if you live inside the state of PA

If you have any claim whatsoever, like you paid and didn't receive any part of your system, or your computer is a lemon, or it's making noises, or you didn't get your rebates, or you paid for an extended warranty but will never get it, then please call the Attorney General's office and also the FBI.

You may also wish to call the FBI and report as well like many others have already done: F.B.I. at the Fort Washington Agency, telephone number (215) 641-8910

you may also fill out an on-line form at by clicking the link there for VCstore, it's in the middle of their front page.

If you fill out the on-line form, maybe it would be to your benefit to call the office a day later and ask them if they have your information already processed. Make them find it and tell you what you have typed in, as far as your address etc...and find out if you need to submit more information to the bankruptcy court so you are on the list.

I recommend you don't just assume it's taken care of. Question them until you know you are on their list, and if that isn't the case, have them resubmit your info over the phone.

For more information or help, go to the boycott VCstore consumer web site, here is the link to the bulletin board, where you can read or post your questions and comments:

also visit and go to the "shame on you" link at the bottom of the news page.. there are about 4 news reports you can watch on Real Video over the web.

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