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  • Report:  #1514476

Complaint Review: truepeoplesearch

truepeoplesearch Consumers have the right to request that their personal information not be sold.  Be aware of this company and its unethical business practices where they post and sell personal information and put people's safety and security at risk while doing so and despite the law, refuse to take down people's personal information. San Francisco CA

  • Reported By:
    Goodconsumer2021 — United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, December 16, 2021
  • Updated:
    Thu, December 16, 2021

truepeoplesearch Consumers have the right to request that their personal information not be sold by truepeoplesearch or displayed online per law and per the company's phone and website as well. However, I have submitted a request for truepeoplesearch to delete my personal information (including my phone numbers, email addresses, physical addresses, etc.) and that they stop selling my personal information several times via their information removal tool. However, the tool does not send an email to delete information as their website indicates. Instead, it emails the same link to delete information and I went through the process nearly ten times requesting for removal of information and no email confirmation link was sent.

The system just sends emails providing the link to start the deletion process and as a result, the information is not deleted. I've tried to delete this information several times and by using several different email accounts. I also emailed the company and explained their personal information deletion process was not working and I have not received any response. They still have my personal information listed under my name. This has caused my legal issues as an individual used this information to contact and threaten me on several occasions (I am a single female).

I hired an attorney and who sent a cease and desist letter. However, this individual still contacts me. I have emailed the company on several occasions letting them know their personal info. deletion tool does not work but have received no response. Be aware of this company and its unethical business practices where they post and sell personal information and put people's safety and security at risk while doing so and despite the law, refuse to take down people's personal information. San Francisco CA

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