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  • Report:  #1724

Complaint Review: Travel Center of America

travel centers of America and ATand T

  • Reported By:
    Puxico Mo
  • Submitted:
    Tue, March 28, 2000
  • Updated:
    Tue, March 28, 2000
  • Travel Center of America
    2510 Burr St.
    Gary, Indiana
  • Phone:
    219 845 3721
  • Category:

my husband purchased an AT&T prepaid phone card for his cellular phone and it was not activited so he returned it to the clerk and asked him to activite it and the clerk got rude and made my husband mad and the manager had him taken out by the police but didnot give him the card or his money back. We have contacted the travel centers of America and complained about the service in Gary, In and AT&T and neither one will do anything. The TA says they gave my husband back his money but didn't and the AT&T says they can not get involved with this it is up to the travel center headquarters to solve it but all we get is the run around. All we want is the time due us put on our phone so we can use it for the purpose it was purchased for to contact shippers and receivers where we will be delivering. Here is the address of the TA in Gary In 2510 burr st, gary in 46406. Phone number is 219 8453721 and the address for the headquaarters address isTravel Centers of America POBox 45110, West Lake Oh 44145.

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