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  • Report:  #1448709

Complaint Review: The ProNet Group Forensic Engineering John Beardall and Jane Heintz

The ProNet Group Forensic Engineering, John Beardall, and Jane Heintz FRAUDULENT Engineering Firm that presents MISLEADING, NONCREDIBLE, ERRONEOUS DATA to benefit insurance companies at the cost of insured's livelihood Sugarland Texas

  • Reported By:
    N — Redondo Beach CA United States
  • Submitted:
    Sat, June 23, 2018
  • Updated:
    Sun, June 24, 2018

Consumers please BEWARE of this company, and in particular of Mr John Beardall if he is hired as the engineer to "impartially" investigate your home.

ProNet Group advertises:
Since our founding, ProNet has earned a strong reputation for professional integrity, investigative excellence, and technical strength.


First, please hire a public adjuster in any insurance claim, they will help advocate for you against these corrupt insurance companies at a reasonable cost (10%--pays for itself in the long run). Second, hire your own engineer expert. 

ProNet Group is primarily paid by the insurance companies. They are not there to conduct an "impartial review". If they show up at your door, make sure you have your own engineer present.

Mr Beardall is a terrible, totally incompetent engineer. This "engineer" actually had the audacity to state in his report that the Winter 2017 "atmospheric river" storms that hit Los Angeles that damaged my home and thousands of others with winds powerful enough to down trees was a "low wind" storm, in order to unfairly advantage the insurance since wind damage is a benefit under most policies. This "low wind" storm was declared both a state emergency and FEMA total disaster. Governor Brown described the storm in a public declaration of emergency as one presenting with "high winds, substantial precipitation, and flooding" which according to FEMA caused over 39 million in damages yet this corrupt and incompetent engineer who lacks any sort of moral compass diluted wind speeds in his report by averaging them over a 24 hour period and reporting a 24 hour average of winds to characterize the storm as a "relatively low wind storm" so that the insurance would not have to pay for the wind related damage to my roof. Furthermore, he did not navigate my roof to prepare his report or inspect my attic despite having the opportunity to inspect and photograph my home on three occasions. He purposefully omitted any photographs from his report that show clear gaping holes in my roof caused by wind damage. These photos show broken tiles and displaced concrete sealant. 

Because of his incompetence, I spent thousands on my own engineer and forensic meteorologists all of whom emphatically disputed his report, calling it "misleading" "not credible" "erroneous" "misuse of data" or most simply, "where in the world does he get 14 mph winds from" (see uploaded business photos on yelp profile

The unfortunate part is many families may not have had the technical sophistication to know what he did or the resources to defend themselves against such misleading information.

He got such misleading information by purposefully diluting wind speeds. The equivalent would be an investigator of an accident concluding that speed was not a contribution to the cause of an accident because the driver was driving 25 mph on average all day, instead of noting his speed at the time of the accident.

And yet this "engineer" John Beardall still after 6 months of self reflection, lacks any kind of humility and was too full of pride to see the wrong in his actions and the impact it has on families and their ability to rebuild. He still had the audacity to come into my living room a couple of days ago and vehemently defend the averaging of wind speeds over 24 hours as appropriate to determine the severity of the storm.

This corrupt and incompetent engineer conspired with Liberty Mutual to attempt to deny my exterior damages and has put my life on pause because of his unethical actions. 

He claimed the source of water intrusion were structures which had undergone normal wear and tear and yet after I corrected these items there was still water intrusion into my home (because the source of the intrusion was the roof!) and the water intrusion did not stop until I tarped the roof despite having fixed what Mr Beardall thought was the "normal wear and tear" source of the intrusion. 

Fortunately, ProNet has finally sent another engineer to investigate the source of water intrusion of my home.

I am reporting Mr Beardall's total incompetent and biased report to Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists and recommend you do the same for any engineer who unfairly and incompetently conspires to support these BILLIONAIRE insurance companies at all costs, including at the cost of the livelihood of families. 

The saddest part of all of this is not any individual story but the thousands of untold stories that allow insurance companies to grow deeper pockets to sway their supposed "unbiased" experts in their corner to "investigate" your claim. It's a vicious cycle stacked against the consumer who needs an expensive armory to defend themselves.

Liberty Mutual reported 1 billion dollar profits in 2016. The average US income is about $60,000 per year. It is an unfair fight and companies like ProNet who get their checks from the insurance companies and hire engineers like Mr Beardall do not help the disparity.

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