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  • Report:  #1512078

Complaint Review: textbroker international

textbroker international Take Advantage Las Vegas NV

  • Reported By:
    United States
  • Submitted:
    Tue, September 21, 2021
  • Updated:
    Tue, September 21, 2021
  • textbroker international
    8076 W Sahara Ave, FL 2
    Las Vegas, NV
    United States
  • Phone:
  • Category:

When icky people get caught doing icky things they can turn to textbroker whose authors can write pretty things about them so their P.R. agents can flood the search engines with distractions. After more than a year I'm at level 4. I've written over 100,000 words. I passed the level 5 exam. I'm one of their top writers or so they told me. I'm on many teams. Team orders are the worst. They pay the most but they get the most scrutiny. Those who can't write edit.
Textbroker editors are like traffic cops writing tickets. The editors will find something wrong with an article no matter what. Then I have to write an explanation pointing out why the editor is wrong and submit it to the textbroker administration who then finally accepts it but not until I have wasted hours dealing with them. Lots of lost money and time and they don't care.
The most annoying incident happened after I turned in a blog post. Five different textbroker editors sent it back five different times for revision and each time for a different reason. As fast as I revised it, another editor found something else wrong. Finally, one editor deleted part of the project by mistake and told me to fill it back in. I gave up and cancelled the order. There are sometimes thousands of open orders waiting and textbroker will send email after email begging someone to work on them. The problem is the orders come with instructions that are so complicated and contradictory that no one can figure them out.
Another trick they like to play is change the writing rules after an article is turned in. That way they can get multiple articles for the same low price and stick it to the author even more. 
The strangest episode occurred when textbroker did a rating evaluation. The system picked two articles I had written. The first article had a 'excellent' rating given me by the customer who also wrote 'thank-you'. The textbroker editor ignored that article and gave me a quality control warning on the other one instead saying I would lose my rating if I didn't improve my writing! I have positive ratings on several other articles as well so on the one hand, the customers like my writing but textbroker will fire me if I don't write better! Criticism is not allowed. If I post negative comments about textbroker on the forum it gets deleted. At textbroker, It's all about control.
Textbroker claims it is a freelancer site and does not employ the writers but if you look at the I.R.S. rules on self employment versus employer, textbroker is an employer. Hopefully the I.R.S. will catch up with textbroker sooner than later and make it pay more than third world wages. They get away with it now because they can and people are too hungry to complain. Well I guess to be fair, it beats digging through dumpsters and collecting cans but not by much. As long as people are living in their cars, textbroker will be there to stick it to them.

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