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  • Report:  #1456108

Complaint Review: Tamer Seckin Endometriosis Center and Dr. Karli Goldstein

Tamer Seckin Endometriosis Center and Dr. Karli Goldstein Dr. Karli Goldstein Did a Botched Removal of Stage 4 Endometriosis; Refuses to Release my Medical Records and Video of Procedure New York New York

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous — New York New York United States
  • Submitted:
    Sat, August 11, 2018
  • Updated:
    Sat, August 11, 2018
  • Tamer Seckin Endometriosis Center and Dr. Karli Goldstein
    872 Fifth Avenue
    New York, New York
    United States
  • Phone:
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  • Category:

Drs. Tamer Seckin and Karli Goldstein did an excision on me of stage 4 endometriosis. They found out that I crowdfunded money for the operation (which was their suggestion, by the way, as they charge 50K for something that Dr. Dulemba in Texas does WAY better for $5,000. Dr. Dulemba fixed what Seckin and Goldstein did). 

When Seckin found out that I crowsourced money, he asked everyone to leave, and cornered me literal minutes before the surgery. I didn't have my glasses or belongings and was in a surgical gown. He said that since I crowd sourced that money, I owed it to him, and that I need to pay it to him. This is highly illegal and unethical and I will be reporting him to the medical board for so many things.  

They cut all contact with me when I told them I felt worse, he and his office staff (Holli and Kim) said it was because I refused to give him my GoFundMe money:

After the surgery I felt much worse than before and my pain was enormous. They refused to return my calls when I would say that the pain kept getting worse and worse, and since they refused to prescibe more pain medication, or anti-nausea medication, a kind pain doctor took over my pain management until I could get to Dr. Dulemba's, for a corrective surgery over a year later.

Seckin and Goldstein never returned my calls, texts, and even hold my medical records hostage, refusing to release them and they refuse to release a video of my surgery. He refuses to give me the legal papers I signed as well. When Dr. Dulemba performed surgery to fix their botched mess, he said that my entire lower body had adheded itself to my bowel an bladder and colon. He had to reconstruct my bladder, colon, and insert amnios to sparate my organs because due to Seckin's surgery, everything had been essentially super-glued to itself.      

They cut all contact with me when I told them I felt worse, and his office staff (Holli and Kim) said it was because I refused to give him my GoFundMe money. He left me literally bedbound for over a year with no medical care, and unable to leave my bed, I was unable to get help. I suffered enormously and still do. I attempted suicide twice because of his extreme neglect, the physical pain, his gaslighting, and him blaming me. I hope he goes to hell where he belongs. He should not have a medical license. If I file an official complaint I know he will just pay off the medical board. 

They sell their surgery as a Silver Bullet, as the only answer. They deride Physical Therapy, acupuncture, any treatments other than THEIR surgery.

This says it all. He seems to think he is God. 

Seckin shows signs of Psychopathy, Nascissism, Autism

He would yell at his office staff each time I was there. He was cold and commanding and robotic. He made sexually inappropriate comments towards me, and about my body. I was sexually abused as a child, and he commented that my bare pubic hair (a personal grooming choice) would bring more sexual abuse towards me (this does not logically make sense..I do no walk down the street naked, how would anyone know?). He has extreme anger, when I came into the office for a two week follow-up, he told his colleague Dr. Goldstein "I don't want to deal with that b***h," and left the office. 

He lied in the Hospital Records about many things about what me did to help me (largely exaggerating the help he gave me, which he did not), about my life, he made up facts that are incorrect, which my current and former therapist and other doctors can confirm to be lies that he wrote. 


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