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  • Report:  #1125501

Complaint Review: Sunrise Student Loan Services

Sunrise Student Loan Services Company Won't Take Responsibility and Lies!! Phoenix Arizona

  • Reported By:
    CM — Columbus Ohio
  • Submitted:
    Fri, February 21, 2014
  • Updated:
    Tue, November 10, 2015

Stay away from Sunrise Student Loan Services! I hired this company to basically complete my federal student loan consolidation application (a service that I now realize that I could of done for free myself). In any case, I paid this third party $300.00 up front to perform this service only for them to screw it up by submitting a paper application to the Dept. of Education and and online application to Nelnet (a loan serving company), so I basically had two application being processed at the same time.  I only came to this understanding after about 4HOURS of research and phone calls to both Nelnet and The Department of Education trying to figure out the mystery. It was 4 HOURS of extreme frustration and stress as even Nelnet and the Dept. of Education were perplexed as to how this happened. When I was finally able to get through to Sunrise about their mistake I was treated with the worst customer service ever. I was lied to, got the run around, and eventually hung up on!!!!!

When I initially called Sunrise about this issue, a customer service rep put me on hold while spoke with her supervisor, after about 5 minutes, she came back to the phone and said the the supervisor called Nelnet and that Nelnet told her that Sunrise was not the third party who submitted the application. I then called Nelnet myself, and since I was on first name basis with one of the head supervisors there, after dealing with the issue the previous evening, she explained to me that they are able to track all inbound calls and that a call from Sunrise never came in nor did anyone call inquiring on my account as all of that information is tracked. Further the supervisor explained that it is not possble at all for them to know what third party was submitted the application as it was submitted online with their my signature. So, the supervisor lied and NEVER called Nelnet. I know that Sunrise was third party who submitted the application as they are the ONLY third party that I contracted with and they had all of my information and my signature.  

So, I called back and asked to speak with the supervisor who lied and she would not take my call because she was in a meeting. After throwing a fit, the customer service rep finally put me through to Telia, another supervisor of some sort, and I explained the situation to her. She then finally admitted she could see that there was indeed some mistake/glitch and that both a paper application was submitted to the Dept of Education and an electronic application to Nelnet. I asked her to provide some monetary compensation since Sunrise made a mistake that should not have been made and I had to sort it out myself. She then told me that I should of called Sunrise so that they could they of sorted out the situation for me. I explained to her that I tried to call the previous night, but that I was hold for over 20 minutes. She insisted that I could not have called at the time I said I did because they were closed. Eventually she admitted that she made a mistake on the time zones and that they were indeed open at the time I said I called. She said the only thing she could do for me was refund all of my money and cancel the application for the loan consolidation. (Uh duh, of course I did not want that). During this conversation, she asked to put me on hold so that she could talk with the supervisor who was in the meeting.

Now this is the UNBELIEVABLE part, when Telia returned the phone, she expalined that she was wrong and that Sunrise did not submit the online application to Nelnet. (It's clear that the supervisor told her to just tell me that it was not them who submitted it to Nelnet) I told her that she just got done telling me that they did submit both. I was in complete didbelief and she denied it. During my entire communication with her she talked over me and everytime I tried to talk she would talk over me more which caused me to raise my voice. She eventually said the conversation was going nowhere and that she disconnecting the call and hung up on me. Yep, that's right, hung up on me. I paid them a fee to perform a service that they screwed up and I get hung up on???? I have never in my life received such absolute horrible customer service and one of the most most frustrating and stressful things that happened to me.  But what do they care, they got their money and did not want to own their mistake. Whatever happened to taking care of the customer??

5 Updates & Rebuttals



Former employee coming forward.

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, November 10, 2015

Don Fenstermaker the President of Sunrise Student Loan Services is an absolute JOKE. He owned a similar company that folded a couple of years prior for the same reasons, they were not producing the product their clients were paying for!! Look it up, NextStudent was the name. I worked for Don at this company, in the Processing Department alongside "Telia" and the "Manager" and he FORCED his associates to do many terrible things like charge clients debit cards at 12 am on a Friday morning to obtain payment before they pay their bills and WITHOUT their authorization, to hang up on clients if they become upset or if the call was going on too long, to threaten to cancel their consolidations if they didn't pay, even if it was beyond the point of cancellation. "Telia" the associate that is being brought up in this report was instructed the ENTIRE TIME by the "Processing Manager" Devan to feed false information to appease this particular customer. She also advised her to hang up the call. All of this was witnessed by me, who will remain anonymous. Devan was never in the "meeting" in which she instructed her associates to say if she didn't want to talk to the customer. Don states that "Telia" no longer works for the company, in a manner that suggests she was let go. That is completely false. "Telia" politely put in her two weeks notice and quit working for Sunrise because she was tired of the wrong and deceitful practices of this company. She was never reprimanded for her behavior, a conversation was never had regarding this issue. It's a shame that "Telia" is being made to look like she is a bad employee. She was simply instructed how to behave and what to say by her manager. It's sad to see her name drug through this which could potentially hurt her reputation. Sunrise is the issue here, not "Telia". Sunrise and Don Fenstermaker need to take responsibility for the wrongful business practices that took place.



poor customer service

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, June 11, 2014

I agree with you on the customer service. At least you got to speak with an agent. I am going through the same thing.

I signed my agreement in march....they debited my account $499 and sent the form to start consolidation. I mailed the form back in a timely manner.

I haven't heard from anyone since April. no one returned my phone calls or email and I was told by Bruce sharp that I would be kept in touch with every step of the way.

Wage Garnishment wasn't removed by 45 days as promised either and every time I call just to get an update I hold for almost 40 minutes and no one ever picks up. I'm so upset with this.



Sunrise Student loans

#6General Comment

Fri, April 25, 2014

I called sunrise student loans a month ago to try and get help with my loans. They took out $400 and I have not been able to get intouch with them for a whole month. I want my money back.  They wont answer phone, e-mails, or voice mails. I am really upset. I need help with my student loans and I thought they were going to help and they didnt. They just took my money that I don't have. If anyone else knows anything please let me know.





Sunrise Provides Horrible Customer Service

#6Author of original report

Fri, March 28, 2014

Again, I did try and contact Sunrise to deal with this isssue BEFORE I contacted Nelnet myself!  When I called Sunrise I was on hold for over 20 minutes and when I did get connected with someone I was disconnected. further, even when I did finally get connected with someone at Sunrise, as I explained in first report, I was LIED to and told that two application were not submitted when they absolutely were not. So I'm not sure how Sunrise would have handled this issue for since they were trying to cover up their mistake.


Bottom line, do your own consolidation loan and save your money, you DO NOT need to hire anyone to do it for you! While my consolidation loan did go through as promised, it created a lot of work for me because due to the fact that Sunrise submitted 2 applications on my behald to two different places.  Sunrise simply provided horrible customer by not admitting their mistake, changing their story, and giving me the run around on the phone, and finally being hung up on by Talia.


Finally, Mr. Owner Person, if you indeed audited all of those calls, you would have heard for yourself the lies, the changing of stories, and run around I received!!!! Shame on you for letting your representatives treat customers in such a substandard fashion!!




#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, March 28, 2014

There is no excuse for Telia hanging up on you.  We are very sorry for this and have audited the calls.  She is no longer with Sunrise.

Our work was completed and Candace was fully consolidated in exactly 60 days from the time she contacted Sunrise Student Loan Services - well within the advertised time frame.
Near the end of her process, in fact 8 days before loan payoff, Candace contacted Nelnet on her own and spent 4 hours on hold with them without speaking to us beforehand.  (We are paid by our clients to endure these long hold times with servicers.)  Candace was looking for a 50% refund for her time spent on the phone with Nelnet.  Our service agreement clearly states that we handle all communications with lenders, servicers, and guarantors to preclude this confusion.
Because Candace did not choose an income qualifying repayment option, we submitted the paper application to the US Department of Education which would expedite the application process over an electronic submission with Nelnet which was taking longer than we anticipated.  This created the confusion.  Our goal was to get Candace's consolidation completed as quickly as possible.
In end, we delivered on everything we promised - the time frame, the consolidation and the repayment plan. Candace has her Federal student loan consolidation completed by Sunrise Student Loan Services for the agreed fee.


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