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  • Report:  #1472270

Complaint Review: STRONG CREDIT John 415-549-3899

STRONG CREDIT John 415-549-3899 John 714-340-4062 Tradelines Scams San Jose California

  • Reported By:
    Mass — United States
  • Submitted:
    Sat, January 26, 2019
  • Updated:
    Sun, January 27, 2019

This dude John 415-549-3899 that has multiple different scam websites is a low life piece of sh*t tradeline scammer

His websites are &

He does not have any tradelines!  He will speak to you on the phone about what he can do as far as repairing your credit but once you pay him thru Zelle where your MONEY is NOT protected, He will only respond by email.  He will be professional and say he'll refund you if the tradeline doesnt post but he will ONLY speak thru email and will give you 1000 excuses about how the refund has been sent.

He'll send fake confirmation emails as if they came from Zelle about your refund.  But Zelle sends out confirmations to the recipient to let them know that a refund has been sent.  Stay far away from this guy he will scam you for your money and will not get any tradelines.  Now if youre reading this and you contact him, hes going to say that he doesnt know why ripoff rert is associated with his account.  This is his excuse.  He will say he shares an account with another guy and theyre shutting down all of his sites.  All bullshit.  Stay far away from this dude.  You've been warned.  I read another report on him that they are in the business of Identity Theft!!

PROOF!  Anyone who would like to see proof just shoot me an email and i will send you the entire email conversations that PROVE hes a scammer.  This is not a disgruntled report like he will "claim".  If you paid him already.  Its a wrap!  If you used a credit card do a charge back and report him, the website and the address if its even real anyways.  His name is probably not even John

He will also tell you to send money to his billing manager "  "Sherman"



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