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  • Report:  #1525884

Complaint Review: 420Stays

420Stays 420Stays Hotel Lodging & Attractions Cedrick D. Davis Anthony Hill Signed lease with 420Stays, they never paid any rent or utilities in 4 months despite subletting house for $8000 per week Denver, Miaimi Beach, Cape Canaveral, Colorado, Georgia, Florida,

  • Reported By:
    Ripped off in Colorado — CO United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, April 20, 2023
  • Updated:
    Fri, April 21, 2023

These conmen sold us on their vision for a cannabis friendly lodging. They charged us a $2000 set up fee, said we would always get paid our rent and they would pay utilities. All that we got out of this arrangement is zero payments, a property in foreclosure for 3 months of payments we were unable to make, and utility companies breathing down our back. They continue to do this to multiple homeowners in multiple states as well as allegedly a beach resort in Jamaica. Right now they are suckering people into a 4/20 beach party in Miami Beach. I'm sure the vendors will not be paid and the attendees will be disappointed in the crap they will be served.  

Cedrick Davis is dillusional, claiming to be a real estate mogul and a millionaire, when he really is just an flat broke, ex-con that doesn't even own a car.  

Anthony Hill claims to be an ex-professional basketball player, but that claim has been disputed, leaving him just a loser who doesn't have the sense to just work an honest day's work.

We were told by someone that met these people (who is black) that Davis (who is also black) did this only to white people as a way to get revenge on white people as a whole. This kind of racist attitude is sickening and disgusting.      


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