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  • Report:  #258309

Complaint Review: Starscapes Joe Petrashek


  • Reported By:
    Waconia Minnesota
  • Submitted:
    Tue, July 03, 2007
  • Updated:
    Tue, May 25, 2010
  • Starscapes Joe Petrashek
    427 W. Chilton
    Chandler, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Like many others, I have searched for a business opportunity that can generate income for someone other than the seller. This is very difficult and once again, I almost got taken in by the Starscapes company of Arizona. I am so sick of people just like this man who started this company who make big claims, charge thousands of dollars, and hide behind clever marketing ploys. Starscapes is a glow in the dark mural painting idea. I thought it sounded kind of interesting and still do. But this guy wants nearly $5000 for his "trade secrets"! He also expects you to buy it with absolutely no way to return it if you don't think you got your money's worth. Again, "trade secrets". I am checking with the Attorney general in Arizona to see if this is legal. You can't return the business material "once it's been opened". Well, how the heck can you possibly know if you are going to be satisfied if you can't open anything and examine it? Simple. You CAN'T! Does he even tell you what you get for 5 grand? Nope. Not really. The "equipment" is described in weird language that doesn't say anything. Why? Trade secrets again. Even the crooks on TV lets you examine the crap they sell, but not this guy. If this business was worth even half of the 5 grand he charges, he would be happy to let you see it for yourself. And if this business really has the kind of income potential that he claims is being made, he would have no problem in letting you try it out for yourself. But you can't and that is the sure sign of a scammer! I have to laugh. On his website (a confusing maze if I ever saw one) he mentiones Carlton Sheets as one of his examples of a great man. Oh brother! Sheets is the biggest huckster of them all...That endorsement alone should tell you where this guy is coming from. And speaking of endorsements: his website is jammed packed with them. But what good is an endorsement that can't be verified? None. Every thing connected with this is guy is a deep dark secret. He is not open and up front about a thing - unless you give him your money first. And then, you can't get it back. Even Carlton Sheets will do that. Why? He knows that most people are too embarrassed or scared to ask for it back, even if they feel they got taken. Save your money. Starscapes is a joke! And a darn expensive one at that.

Waconia, Minnesota

2 Updates & Rebuttals



What A Joke!

#3Author of original report

Tue, May 25, 2010

Three years ago, I wrote a report about the way-overpriced "home business opportunity" known as Starscapes. Since then, a handful of 'rebuttals" have appeared but not ONE challenged or provided anything of substance to say I said anything untrue about this company. The latest "rebuttal" provided by a "jackie" of Austin, TX claims my report was factually untrue, but rather than provide her facts right here where it belongs, she says "visit my website" which brings you to an advertisement for a web host service. Some rebuttal! She also claims I must work for a competitor. Another joke! WHAT competitor??...if ANYONE who finds my report "factually untrue", SHOW ME WHERE! And do it right here. My report was completely true. I said the guy who started this "glow in the dark" ceiling-mural business (a former magician named Joe Petrachek) was a shrewd businessman. And he is. He has amassed a fortune doing what he couldn't do as a magician: convincing people his business opportunity is worth the nearly $5000 he charges for it. Again, I will state the FACTS. If any of these statements are no longer true, kindly state HOW in this forum. The magician himself appeared here with a transparent rebuttal, but again, provided nothing but feel-good marketing jive and not once did he address the real gripe I have with this man: his lack of candor about what you get for your investment. I am the ONLY one who has told you what you get for $5000. I will do it again today.

For your INITIAL investment of $5000 you get a toy-like projector that beams little star-like dots on the ceiling for you to dab with glow-in-the-dark paint. Very similar projectors can be bought in toy stores for less than $50...more costly star projectors can be had for $300 but he gives you a cheapie....he also gives you a small battery-operated black-light to energize the paint. he calls this his "galactifying wand"...more magician-speak. It's a cheap little black light that can be bought anywhere for less than $25...he gives you a set of little "dabbers" to dab and splatter the paint on the customer's ceiling. These can be had from glow in the dark paint websites for a few dollars. You can also make your own from common things around the house if you have half a brain in your head....and he gives a cookie-cutter website to promote your business. This website is so cruddy looking, any high school computer student could do far better...of course, he charges you high fees to "host" your site. Again, something anyone can do themselves for far less money....And he gives you a bunch of marketing materials and he will "upsell" you much much more! (as if he hasn't raked you over the coals enough already - but then someone has to pay for all those full-color full-page magazine ads he runs every month...guess who THAT is...) But the WORST thing this guy does is cloak everything in secrecy. You CANNOT return the "opportunity" once the sealed box is opened. You can't even look at what you just bought! One of these ridiculous rebuttals likens this to getting KFC's recipe! Are you kidding me? No, KFC won't give you their recipe because you don't need it to know the chicken is going to sell. But if you buy a KFC franchise, you will know what you just bought. But not with this guy. He won't let you even take a peek because he has already described it in such "magical", confusing language that once you open the box and see a box of cheap toys, you will return it immediately. He claims you CAN return it, but ONLY if you don't open it! Trade secrets. What??? Gosh, how generous. Of course any one with an ounce of brains can see that is an insult. His forum of "satisfied owners" is closed to the public. CLOSED. Trade secrets again. Trade secrets my hind-end! Don't be stupid ladies and gentlemen. Dabbing glow in the dark paint on a ceiling with the aid of a toy projector is NOT a trade secret! How can anyone possibly make an intelligent buying decision under such secrecy? Answer: You can't....Again I state that if he was that confident that you will make money doing this and that you are getting a decent return on your investment, he would welcome you to examine everything AND talk openly with people doing this. I tried repeatedly to talk with people who bought into this, and they were SCARED of this man! They had to sign a "secrecy" document and they were scared to break that agreement! And I mean scared! UNREAL! This former magician is good! d**n good!...Listen folks, I have no personal beef with this guy. I don't know him, never worked for him nor am I a "competitor"...I am just like you. A guy who needs to make extra income and would like to have a small business I can run from home. And like many of you, I have been ripped off by "dream salesmen". And I am sick of it. This former magician is smart. He is very smart. And he is rich. But NOT from painting star murals on people's ceilings with glow paint. He is rich because he runs a LOT of advertisements selling the dream...but it's a dream that can be attempted for much, much less money than what he charges. And because you can't return it once you've merely looked at it, yes, I have a beef with this man. Finally, another so-called claim that this is a great opportunity: Yes, he does have an office and a showroom with impressive glow in the dark murals. And yes, he will talk to you personally. So what? So will a used car salesman. What does that prove? It proves he's a smooth, slick salesman, who will convince you to part with your hard-earned money without ever seeing what you are getting! That is slick. But it's also snaky! And I don't like snakes...
Again, if anyone cares to show me that I have said things that are not true, bring it on. You want to throw your money away, there are better places to do it than with a Starscapes glow in the dark painting business. And if you think you can convince people to pay you hundreds of dollars to paint some stars on their ceiling, simply go on the internet and google "glow paint ceiling murals" and you will find lots of FREE information on how to it. Then, when you realize you can't support a family doing this, you will thank me for saving you $5000...Thank you for your time...

Waconia, MN


Ormond Beach,
United States of America

I bought the Starscapesfx business package

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, November 28, 2009

I too was very sceptical because of the amount and all the secrecy. It was 10 months after I ordered my "trial poster" that I decided to purchase the package, during which time I checked the company out every way I could think of. I called, a person answered, I looked them up in the yellow pages, they had an office with people answering the phone and an address I could drive to if I wished to, something the vast majority of home based business providers don't have, in other words I could contact them directly and not just by visiting their website. Once I recieved my package I did everything I was instructed to do to understand the business, I did have questions and Joe himself walked me through the process, other times I had questions and his staff was always available to answer them. As to the secrecy involved, I understood the reason for it once I learned how to do it. Joe spent years developing the techniques and product, he wasn't going to give it away (walk into KFC and ask them for their recipe, same principal) and once I had the package I had access to all the techniques and product. I became a Licensed SAI the 1st of October and since then (just over 2 months later) I have made money with Starscapes, not 6 figures by any means, but enough to give me the financial freedom I was looking for plus I have the free time to enjoy it. If you're looking for something that is just going to make money without effort from you, Starscapes is not for you as there is actual physical work involved, if you don't mind work and getting a little dirty the rewards are very satisfying. 


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