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  • Report:  #1112978

Complaint Review: US postal service Unknown monthly recurring service fee internet

  • Reported By:
    Jay — Brunswick Georgia
  • Submitted:
    Sun, January 05, 2014
  • Updated:
    Sun, January 05, 2014
    1990 East Grand Ave El Segundo, CA 90245-5013
    Select State/Province
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I needed to mail 1 small item that was to cost me about $5. I was at work and didn't want to use my lunch to go to the post office so I went to thinking that would be just as good and a lot easier. I must have overlooked the fact that there was a 4 week trial period and that I'd be automatically charged a monthly service fee of something like $15, as I recall it was not made abundantly clear. When I saw a charge on my card from a month after I'd first used it, I called in. I was told that the "trial" was over and that the automatic monthly service charge could not be reversed, despite the fact that I was unaware of it and I was only a couple of days outside of their "trial" period.


I don't regularly ship things as I am just a simple consumer and USPS is slow and antiquated anyway so I have no idea why I would need a monthly subscription when a simple trip to a post office would have cost me a third of their monthly fee + the actual charge for shipping totaling about a quarter of what this whole stupid scam came out to actually cost me. The rep was very kind but was quick to point out that I should have read their terms of service. Really?


The polite rep was unable to do anything about the issue do to their "very strict policies on refunds on monthly subscriptions". The whole thing reminds me of the old AOL scam days; I suppose this is how USPS is trying to stay afloat, in addition to the constant junk mail I get and the "special offers" and catalogues they have plastered all over their webiste after you do use or do a fowarding of your mail service. SCAM. Go to the post office and save yourself $15 or $20 or whatever their loot was.

2 Updates & Rebuttals



no scale

#3Author of original report

Sun, January 05, 2014

I opted out of the scale. I didn't request or receive one. Despite what others have said, it was not clear. A "confirm subscription" dialogue box would have been a nice addition for the apparently retarded consumer, such as myself, since there will be an automatic monthly recurring charge. It is BS, but I'm paying it and not contesting the charge with my card company, they got me and I'll pay for what I apparently agreed to. It's simply misleading and I expect better from our government, even if is a separate entity, USPS endorses it. Thanks for all the input guys.



Yes, you really SHOULD have read those Terms of Service...

#3Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 05, 2014

"The rep was very kind but was quick to point out that I should have read their terms of service. Really?"

Yep, really, it's VERY plainly shown. 

"I suppose this is how USPS is trying to stay afloat"  ALL the USPS gets out of this is the amount of postage you use.  The monthly fee goes to

I was told that the "trial" was over and that the automatic monthly service charge could not be reversed, despite the fact that I was unaware of it and I was only a couple of days outside of their "trial" period. "

You being "unaware" was your own doing being a"only a couple of days" outside of their trial period is irrelevant in your case.

YOU failed to exercise due diligence and "Ripped Off" yourself.  They did NOTHING wrong.  Did you return the scale and other items?

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