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  • Report:  #268752

Complaint Review: Sony

Sony Camera warranty service San Diego California

  • Reported By:
    cranbury New Jersey
  • Submitted:
    Mon, August 20, 2007
  • Updated:
    Mon, August 20, 2007

I bought a sony camera with an extended warranty fro $350 (camera) and $85(extended warranty). Something went wrong with the display. I called Sony, the said it wasn't covetred by the regular warranty, but was by the extended. So I sent it to Precision camera. Then I got e letter back from Service net, the Sony warranty adninistrator, saying it couldn't be fixed, and it cost $85 to determine that, and that I should sign the enclosed paper to get a check for $265 (350-85). They told me the $85 was a review fee for the time it took to see if it could be fixed. Then I called and they told me it was for S&H. This sucks!!!

Nj consumer
cranbury, New Jersey

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