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  • Report:  #92395

Complaint Review: Social Security Administration

Social Security Administration The Social Security Administration is slowly killing me! ripoff! Tupper Lake New York nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Tupper Lake New York
  • Submitted:
    Fri, May 21, 2004
  • Updated:
    Thu, September 09, 2004

I was shocked and dissillusioned when I made a legitimate claim to Social Security. My sad story began in 1998, at that time a Dr. paid by SS stated that I was 100% disabled. Yet, I was denied for benefits..."why?", you ask...They told me, "because of my age and education, I should be able to work, at least part time". I thought what has my age and education have to do with my physical condition??? So, I asked them...I was never given the courtesy of a reply!

I am 48 y/o with a history of a back injury. I had one operation (disc herniation)and went back to work as a chef. I was then, reinjured about a year later. Like I've stated, I was a mess from my injury, I was taking percodans for pain, and I was (and continue to be) extremely depressed. When I finally had my hearing; I "thought" that I had more than enough evidence. Dr's and "shrinks" stated that I could not work!!! And, that my prognosis was bad! YET, the Administrative Law Judge (J. Lawson Brown--may he rot in HELL)lied! This clown threw almost all of my evidence out, omitted some, and falsified the rest!!!

I was shocked and very disillusioned by this treatment! I've been a good citizen all of my life, joined the Army during the Viet Nam era, and worked for some 28 years...(never in any kind of trouble!). I really need SS to be able to provide for my basic needs...I was almost homeless for a time, I've gone bankrupt, and live in dire poverty. AND, I seriously cannot work at this time due to pain, lack of movement, and my depression. But, I want to work!!!

I am in school (all online courses now) trying to retrain for a new career. I have worked hard at my studies; I am published in the Natl. Dean's List, a member of Phi Theta Kappa (a 2 year honor society) and have won awards for my academic excellence! I need a non-physical career, and a chance to train for it. YET, I have been treated like a lazy, shiftless, bum by Social Security.

In fact, SS has treated me worse than the most heinous criminal! They have assumed that I am guilty of lying about my condition, and have treated me accordingly. I feel very much abused by them! The fact that they have continued to deny me of my benefits is not my big issue...It's the fact that they have taken to lying to and about me that really upsets me! They have insulted my intelligence and questioned my integrity. That, I will never forget! I have since learned that they do this to many, many people...on a regular basis!

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

They are stealing our money when they deny legitimate claimants of their rightful benefits and this is why I am reporting this! This is a national disgrace! Social Security is killing our citizens just as sure as Hussein killed his people...just as sure as Adolph Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews...We need to make everybody aware of this evil branch of our Government!!!

Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to expose Social Security.

Tupper Lake, New York

14 Updates & Rebuttals


Beaver Springs,

You need a Good SS lawyer and OVR

#15Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 08, 2004

Steve- I am very sorry to hear of our condition. I too have back problems since the age of 23. I am now 36 and it is no better and untreatable with surgury. The best thing I can do is Yoga to keep the muscles from spasms. May I suggest a good SS lawyer and patience. My mom has Rheumatoid arthritis and it took a couple of years to win, but worth it. Also, I commend you on furthering your education. There shoud be an Occupational Vocational Rehabilitation office in your area. There # is in the human services guide of my phone book. This org. can help with many costs for your ed., plus modifications enabling ou to work. Please check them out, an be prepared to wait, as they are busy. I hope this helps.


Beaver Springs,

You need a Good SS lawyer and OVR

#15Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 08, 2004

Steve- I am very sorry to hear of our condition. I too have back problems since the age of 23. I am now 36 and it is no better and untreatable with surgury. The best thing I can do is Yoga to keep the muscles from spasms. May I suggest a good SS lawyer and patience. My mom has Rheumatoid arthritis and it took a couple of years to win, but worth it. Also, I commend you on furthering your education. There shoud be an Occupational Vocational Rehabilitation office in your area. There # is in the human services guide of my phone book. This org. can help with many costs for your ed., plus modifications enabling ou to work. Please check them out, an be prepared to wait, as they are busy. I hope this helps.


Beaver Springs,

You need a Good SS lawyer and OVR

#15Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 08, 2004

Steve- I am very sorry to hear of our condition. I too have back problems since the age of 23. I am now 36 and it is no better and untreatable with surgury. The best thing I can do is Yoga to keep the muscles from spasms. May I suggest a good SS lawyer and patience. My mom has Rheumatoid arthritis and it took a couple of years to win, but worth it. Also, I commend you on furthering your education. There shoud be an Occupational Vocational Rehabilitation office in your area. There # is in the human services guide of my phone book. This org. can help with many costs for your ed., plus modifications enabling ou to work. Please check them out, an be prepared to wait, as they are busy. I hope this helps.


Beaver Springs,

You need a Good SS lawyer and OVR

#15Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 08, 2004

Steve- I am very sorry to hear of our condition. I too have back problems since the age of 23. I am now 36 and it is no better and untreatable with surgury. The best thing I can do is Yoga to keep the muscles from spasms. May I suggest a good SS lawyer and patience. My mom has Rheumatoid arthritis and it took a couple of years to win, but worth it. Also, I commend you on furthering your education. There shoud be an Occupational Vocational Rehabilitation office in your area. There # is in the human services guide of my phone book. This org. can help with many costs for your ed., plus modifications enabling ou to work. Please check them out, an be prepared to wait, as they are busy. I hope this helps.



Good Luck

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, September 06, 2004

Good luck. When I went in for surgery because of my service connected disability I went to 100% disability... it took me almost a year to get the actual money.

Thank God my living didn't depend on that money. I was working for a company and between their policies and the state's disability I was able to keep from losing everything.

People who haven't dealt with the DVA have no idea of what it is like. That is why I am a bit skeptical of all the flag waving and chest beating when things happen in life.

I know that as soon as the bullets stop flying that the status of the military and vets in particular go back to the bottom of the food chain. No one but a vet really cares.

For example, as a matter of policy each and every claim in turned down... they are not evaluated on the merits... they simply disapprove and that filters out the ones that aren't legitimate and the ones that may be legitimate but the person doesn't have the strenth of will to fight.

Also, if you threaten to contact your congressman or senator they will tell you to go ahead, but it won't help. Believe me, they have told me that numerous times... Each time I did contact one I had a remedy within about 2 weeks.

Good Luck


Tupper Lake,
New York,

A special note to Sherri, overwhelmed by your support..

#15Author of original report

Wed, May 26, 2004

Dear folks,

I was nearly overwhelmed by your support, and for that; a big thank you! I really was expecting more nasty, ignorant comments from people like the nurse, crack-w***e Sherri from the land of fruits, nuts, and flakes...(no offense to the people of California--just to Sherri!)

So, to further explain my position...especially for the slow people (that's you Sherri!):

I am a veteran from the Viet Nam Era! I enlisted in 1972, on the delayed entry program. And, although I did not actually go to Viet Nam, republic of...I am considered a Viet Nam Era vet by out lovely govt. If you doubt this, do the research and find out for yourself! AND, this is very important, I got out with an honorable discharge.

I had stated that I was re-injured...that means (Sherri), that I had an operation, went back to my old job and was injured AGAIN! This time, they tell me that they cannot do anything for my condition...I've had 3 MRI's, 2 Epidural injection procedures, and something from the middle-ages, a discogram. A discogram is, and never was a dance's when they stick a huge frigg'n needle directly in your injury site and pump some kind of chemical in to re-create your pain (in my case, it was at the l/4-l/5 disc space)...then, based on your reaction they determine whether or not you get surgery...I did not! So, I am at my medical end (not me saying is the doctors!). I desperately want to get better, and get back to work, but I do have many other issues...up to and including degenerative disc disease! AND, there's more....but, I don't want to get into any pity-parties at this time.

What I DO want is: an apology from Social Security! An immediate decision in my favor! The dismissal of that Judge, who lied to and about me!!! Not too long ago, I ran into a Veteran's counselor who told me that he quit doing advocate work because of this guy's lying and his unprincipled work habits...Oh, this freak's name is: J. Lawson Brown. With a name like that, you would expect that he was a straight-up honest dude...but, you'd be sadly mistaken! He lies like your grammies' rug! But, oh well--the point is: they take your money, and when you're injured, or have certain horrible diseases--they cheat you out of your hard-earned benefits!!! I've had to wait hours (no lie!) to talk to some of these govt. pricks on the phone...they act like you have disturbed them when they finally answer your call...and then, you are treated like s**t by them! They hide behind our flag, but make no mistake about this...when you need them, they will not help--they will "loose" your papers, lie to you, lie about you to other agencies, and generally make your life a living hell! That's our Social Security system!!! Of course, this reflects my experience...but, I have read (and studied)in a college course--that 12,000 people a week are denied by SS! They have deliberately denied benefits in an attempt to save money. And, this is effective...a lot of people get denied once and quietly go away...some go homeless, some are taken in by family members, and some die before they receive a penny...Again, my point is: these pricks are not doing their job, at least the job that the creators of SS envisioned--to help people out when they couldn't work and provide for themselves...No, indeed, they make it worse!!!

So, lets change SS for the better! Reformation is needed, and it is needed now! In a system that nobody likes...isn't it time?



Should have focused on that ..Western medicine is not a science in any way shape of form.

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, May 23, 2004

Hi Sherri,

I can't say at all about a herniated disc or anything else such as that. I do know that if what he reported was accurate, the SS admin sent him to one of their approved doctors and that doctor's assessment was that this person was unable to work anymore.

Western medicine is not a science in any way shape of form. It is not an A+B=C. It has been my experience that doctors tend to deal with one thing at a time. From what I have seen of the newer doctors they are starting to treat the person as a whole and often that one disease or ailment is connected with another. Holistic, or a more Asian view of health.

What I did object to was the tangent where his other comments were attacked as a means to minimize his statement. If I remember right, the Vietnam era offically ended on Dec. 31, 1976. From there they switched to other type benefits. So, anyone who enlisted prior to that date (which I did under the delayed enlistment... yes, I was 17 with parent's premission) were considered Vietnam era.

I have had experiences with specialists and NP's. I was dating a woman back in 1985 who was an RN who told me that I had Crohn's disease. She insisted that I get it diagnosed and I went to the military doctor (actually a contracted civilian) at March AFB in Riverside, CA and told him that I suspected I had Crohns and gave him all the symptoms. He disregarded my input and told me that I just had a touch of colitis after the colonoscopy.

When I got out of the USAF I went to Kaiser hospital in Riverside, CA and I saw an NP. I told him that I was in pain and I was sure I had Crohn's but was diagnosed by the USAF with colitis. He gave me meds for IBS.

It was about a week later when I ended up in the emergency room and the doctor told me that I had an obstruction most probably caused by Crohns he was amazed that I thanked him for finally recognizing that I was really sick.

He also told me that the medication I had recieved from the NP was the worst thing that he could have given someone with Crohns. I understood that it isn't a science. I was a bit upset that no one would list to me... but once the NG tube was in and the pressure relieved I couldnt' care about anything except for the relief.

You see, I had been dealing with this from the time I was 13! This is a common age for the onset of this disease and a pretty good indication of Crohns if you are talking to a person almost 30 and still having the same complaints. Along with the clubbing of my fingers and the rest of the symptoms it still took almost 17 years to finally get diagnosed and treated. A little resection, loss of some intestines and I have been doing good for the past 15 years.

I was found to be 40% disabled by the VA. 20% Crohns and 20% Crohns related arthritis. Thankfully this doctor was able to relate the two differnt complaints and see tht they were related. Like I mentioned before, the rating isn't based upon mobility of ability to work. It is considered a compensation based upon my health.

I went thrugh the VA vocational rehab program because I would be unable to continue to do the physically demanding jobs I was trained to do.

Do I imagine that each person with Crohns is as fortunate as I am? No. I believe that there are many things that can effect a person's wellness. For example, I also have Crohn's related arthritis. I don't expect everyone to have this becase it isn't necessairly so.

There are some people that are on disability because of this disease. I don't begrudge them their benefits if I am not in the same place as them. Like I said before, I am grateful.

Not knowing this person, what his work experience is or anything else I just can't know. Heck, he could be 300 lbs and unable to support his weight with a bad back. I don't know if his compensation for his bad back has caused additional soft tissue damage which a chiropractor might be able to help. You did quality your comment with "most people can return to full function."

I believe that I would be very frustrated too if I had a SS doctor tell me I can't work and then a judge tell me that I can. Should we allow judges to determine medical conditions? When a person gets into this cycle it is incredibly stressful and frustrating... I could see that in this person's posting. Giving him such short shrift was doing himself and yourself a disservice.

What I do know is that a person's health is dependant on many things. My girlfriend has been fighting many different cancers for about 10 years now and is scheduled for surgery again in a couple of weeks. I don't assume to know her fear, pain or abilities. Instead I am supportive and encouraging without being judgemental. I work with her on physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of her life and her cancer.

If you had simply given your knowledge about disc degeneration then that might have been benefical, instead, you seemed to want to discount whatever he had to say because his age didn't match your ideas of Vietnam era. That, to me, was an uncalled for arrogance and aggression which causes a person to disregard anything else you may have to say. Which really is a shame.

Sorry for the long response. I am still going to school (born June, 1959 and it is now May, 2004 so I am 44) and because I am off for the summer I have to much time to write.



ACTUALLY DARREN... patients with a herniated disc DO return to full, or close to full function

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, May 23, 2004

I am a Nurse Practitioner,which means that I see patients clinically, just as an MD does. The vast majority of patients with a herniated disc DO return to full, or close to full function. There can be issues later on, usually with disc degeneration, but this usually only requires a one or two level fusion. Again, the vast majority of patients can return to full function (depending on factors like age, activity level, and other medical problems).



Yeppers Sherri. May be a math major but need work with history.

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, May 22, 2004


I know that it is a common theme with this cite... narrowing in on something to discredit or abuse the poster. When it comes to the SS admin or the Dept. of Veterans Affairs I find that giving a person who has a complaint the benefit of the doubt is in order.

I am 44, born in 1959 and joined the USAF when I was 17 in 1977. So... if you want to figure that out, then be my guest. I wasn't a Vietnam vet, but because of Veterans Benefits, I am "considered" vietnam era. Not my definition, the governments.

So, if the person says that he was Vietnam era then he is possibly making a distinction between Vietnam service and the time period used as a means of distinguishing the period by the Department of Defense.

As far as a person's pain and suffering and the advice of his SS admin paid doctor he should be 100% disabled. I don't think that you are a MD. If you are then I would suspect that you wouldn't be making commments without knowledge of a person's entire health/mobility and capabilities.

I have a chronic illness which is inconvenient to me and there are many people on disability because of the same illness. I don't assume that they are lazy, slackers, liars or anything else. Instead I am grateful that I have not progressed to that state of my illness.

People wonder why I have such contempt for self professed patriots. I don't put ribbons on my car's antenna, fly the flag of anything else. I learned long ago (while I was in the USAF for 10 years)that so many people want to wrap themselves in the flag but hold the vet in contempt and resent anything that the earned.

I am a 40% disabled vet. Before you decide to attack me on something that you don't understand (which seems to me a lot), the VA rates their disability different than the SS admin. In otherwords, a person can be 100% disabled by the VA and still be able to work. That is becuase the disability from the VA is considered compensation for illness or injury caused or aggravated by military service.

I guess I should apoligize that the VA didn't see fit to include you in their decision making process but that will have to be between you and them. I wish you better luck with them than we have had.



Yeppers Sherri. May be a math major but need work with history.

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, May 22, 2004


I know that it is a common theme with this cite... narrowing in on something to discredit or abuse the poster. When it comes to the SS admin or the Dept. of Veterans Affairs I find that giving a person who has a complaint the benefit of the doubt is in order.

I am 44, born in 1959 and joined the USAF when I was 17 in 1977. So... if you want to figure that out, then be my guest. I wasn't a Vietnam vet, but because of Veterans Benefits, I am "considered" vietnam era. Not my definition, the governments.

So, if the person says that he was Vietnam era then he is possibly making a distinction between Vietnam service and the time period used as a means of distinguishing the period by the Department of Defense.

As far as a person's pain and suffering and the advice of his SS admin paid doctor he should be 100% disabled. I don't think that you are a MD. If you are then I would suspect that you wouldn't be making commments without knowledge of a person's entire health/mobility and capabilities.

I have a chronic illness which is inconvenient to me and there are many people on disability because of the same illness. I don't assume that they are lazy, slackers, liars or anything else. Instead I am grateful that I have not progressed to that state of my illness.

People wonder why I have such contempt for self professed patriots. I don't put ribbons on my car's antenna, fly the flag of anything else. I learned long ago (while I was in the USAF for 10 years)that so many people want to wrap themselves in the flag but hold the vet in contempt and resent anything that the earned.

I am a 40% disabled vet. Before you decide to attack me on something that you don't understand (which seems to me a lot), the VA rates their disability different than the SS admin. In otherwords, a person can be 100% disabled by the VA and still be able to work. That is becuase the disability from the VA is considered compensation for illness or injury caused or aggravated by military service.

I guess I should apoligize that the VA didn't see fit to include you in their decision making process but that will have to be between you and them. I wish you better luck with them than we have had.



Yeppers Sherri. May be a math major but need work with history.

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, May 22, 2004


I know that it is a common theme with this cite... narrowing in on something to discredit or abuse the poster. When it comes to the SS admin or the Dept. of Veterans Affairs I find that giving a person who has a complaint the benefit of the doubt is in order.

I am 44, born in 1959 and joined the USAF when I was 17 in 1977. So... if you want to figure that out, then be my guest. I wasn't a Vietnam vet, but because of Veterans Benefits, I am "considered" vietnam era. Not my definition, the governments.

So, if the person says that he was Vietnam era then he is possibly making a distinction between Vietnam service and the time period used as a means of distinguishing the period by the Department of Defense.

As far as a person's pain and suffering and the advice of his SS admin paid doctor he should be 100% disabled. I don't think that you are a MD. If you are then I would suspect that you wouldn't be making commments without knowledge of a person's entire health/mobility and capabilities.

I have a chronic illness which is inconvenient to me and there are many people on disability because of the same illness. I don't assume that they are lazy, slackers, liars or anything else. Instead I am grateful that I have not progressed to that state of my illness.

People wonder why I have such contempt for self professed patriots. I don't put ribbons on my car's antenna, fly the flag of anything else. I learned long ago (while I was in the USAF for 10 years)that so many people want to wrap themselves in the flag but hold the vet in contempt and resent anything that the earned.

I am a 40% disabled vet. Before you decide to attack me on something that you don't understand (which seems to me a lot), the VA rates their disability different than the SS admin. In otherwords, a person can be 100% disabled by the VA and still be able to work. That is becuase the disability from the VA is considered compensation for illness or injury caused or aggravated by military service.

I guess I should apoligize that the VA didn't see fit to include you in their decision making process but that will have to be between you and them. I wish you better luck with them than we have had.



Yeppers Sherri. May be a math major but need work with history.

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, May 22, 2004


I know that it is a common theme with this cite... narrowing in on something to discredit or abuse the poster. When it comes to the SS admin or the Dept. of Veterans Affairs I find that giving a person who has a complaint the benefit of the doubt is in order.

I am 44, born in 1959 and joined the USAF when I was 17 in 1977. So... if you want to figure that out, then be my guest. I wasn't a Vietnam vet, but because of Veterans Benefits, I am "considered" vietnam era. Not my definition, the governments.

So, if the person says that he was Vietnam era then he is possibly making a distinction between Vietnam service and the time period used as a means of distinguishing the period by the Department of Defense.

As far as a person's pain and suffering and the advice of his SS admin paid doctor he should be 100% disabled. I don't think that you are a MD. If you are then I would suspect that you wouldn't be making commments without knowledge of a person's entire health/mobility and capabilities.

I have a chronic illness which is inconvenient to me and there are many people on disability because of the same illness. I don't assume that they are lazy, slackers, liars or anything else. Instead I am grateful that I have not progressed to that state of my illness.

People wonder why I have such contempt for self professed patriots. I don't put ribbons on my car's antenna, fly the flag of anything else. I learned long ago (while I was in the USAF for 10 years)that so many people want to wrap themselves in the flag but hold the vet in contempt and resent anything that the earned.

I am a 40% disabled vet. Before you decide to attack me on something that you don't understand (which seems to me a lot), the VA rates their disability different than the SS admin. In otherwords, a person can be 100% disabled by the VA and still be able to work. That is becuase the disability from the VA is considered compensation for illness or injury caused or aggravated by military service.

I guess I should apoligize that the VA didn't see fit to include you in their decision making process but that will have to be between you and them. I wish you better luck with them than we have had.



Do the math

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, May 22, 2004

Sherri, the Vietnam war era ended in 1975, so he could have joined the Army during that time. If he is 48 now, he was born in 1956, possibly joined when he was 18, maybe even 17, which would have been 1973.




#15Consumer Comment

Fri, May 21, 2004

The Vietnam War ended in 1970, you would have been 14 at the very end of the war, if you are 48. They don't take them that young.

Unless you have another condition you are trying to collect on, a single herniated disc bulge is usually quite treatable and with physical therapy, most people can return to full function.

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