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  • Report:  #2538

Complaint Review: skiline

Shocking Discoveries

  • Reported By:
    boulder co
  • Submitted:
    Tue, June 27, 2000
  • Updated:
    Tue, June 27, 2000

We thought we knew what we were getting into six years ago when we bought our moble home. We thought we would just have to paint the walls and do some minor changes. We where so very wrong the walls are horrible, the bathroom is done completly wrong,the doorway frames [if youcan realy call them that]are dispicable, the sheet boards have huge gapes under the molding that was put to cover the gapes they didnt even use real nails in most places. In fact I have built better barns that i would rather live than our moble home. It would cost us less to just distroy the place and build a real two store home, than to do all the repairs that need to be done and do it right. Unfortunatly we have a morgage on the place or I would do it. How can anyone build and sell these home and sleep at night??? Skiline should buy our home back but i know that is very unlikely that they would even own up to the fact that the build s**t.

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