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  • Report:  #24536

Complaint Review: scottsdale police department

scottsdale police department harrassment, murder scottsdale Arizona

  • Reported By:
    scottsdale az
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 13, 2002
  • Updated:
    Wed, June 15, 2005
  • scottsdale police department
    scottsdale, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

The Scotttsdale Police Department has been harrassing me and my friend now for quite some time. They have arrested my friend on trumped up charges then told her it was a mistake and made her walk home. They also raided her house knowing that there wasn't anything in that house that they came in for. When it happened I was there (6 months pregnant), her 12 year old daughter & her 4 year old son were also there and they came busting in with automatic weapons throwing on the ground. Then they said "Sometimes we get bad information but we looked good going in!!" while her 12 year old sat in the driveway hysterical.

Recently Scottsdale P.D. killed someone we knew in the city of Tempe and seeing how it is currently under investigation all I can say is that the Detective from Tempe that is investigating the shooting is a Homicide Detective.

scottsdale, Arizona

2 Updates & Rebuttals



I know how you feel My advice: move out!

#3Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 15, 2005

Someone broke into my condo and had the police come over to look into it. It was a former contractor who was known to have violated probation due to drug use, and I fired them when I found out this. Well, they came back to me saying that not only did this guy NOT break any laws, they accused me of being on drugs (which both are downright LIES).
My advice: move out!



You are in more trouble than you realize. This is the way oppression works.

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 26, 2002

Oppression and dishonest are compelled to reinforce their errors. While this in the end is their ultimate weakness, in the short term, it will mean these people are obliged to cause you agony.

Mesa and Scottsdale have a 19th-Century police structure, conducted by behind-the-scenes power structure, 21st-Century high-tech toys, and
an 11th-Century mentality. They are not good at law enforcement, but they are good at what they do, which as you point out, is try to "look good" and create what amounts to favorable propaganda.

I used to have to deal with both departments regularly in my work.

I hope to never deal with or even speak to them
or any of their lowlife flunkies again.

My suggestion: move.

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