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  • Report:  #2226

Complaint Review: Samsung

samsumg camera

  • Reported By:
    fairdale ky
  • Submitted:
    Tue, May 09, 2000
  • Updated:
    Tue, May 09, 2000
  • Samsung
    40 Seaview Drive
    Secaucus, New Jersey
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I purchased my first Samsung Evoca camera in 1996. Shortly less than a year later the front cover that slides open and shut to take pictures came off. I returned it to Walmart where I had bought it and they replaced it. This happened 2 more times with me getting a replacement and trying again. This time, instead of the cover coming off, the rewind mechanism jammed and the film would not advance. When I returned it, again less than a year later and still under warranty, I was told by the store that Samsung's policy is to return the camera to the manufacturer. The store sent it back for me and I tried to contact them for a refund instead of any repairs or new camera. After a week of leaving voicemails and trying extensions to no avail I received a phone call at home and a bill in the mail for $74.70 in repairs. I finally got through to them today and was told that they "do not give refunds, even if it's only a week old" and that the problem was impact damage that is not covered. I told this person (of course he didn't give me his name) that there was no dropping or damage done by me to this camera. He felt like a technician looking at the camera knew more than I did about what my camera has been through. I use my camera more than most people do, it is with me constantly, so I think I know better what has or has not happened to it. Obviously, these cameras are made for people who leave them in a drawer and get them out at holidays or such. I need a camera that can stand up to real use. Therefore, after plenty of proof that this camera can not do that I want a refund to try and find a better quality camera. The person I talked to hung up on me when I got frustrated at his lack of help or options. He only wanted to argue that the technician is right and I can not get a refund. I called back and have a voicemail in to the National Service Manager but have received no response yet.

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