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  • Report:  #1300895

Complaint Review: safelink/tracfone wireless

safelink/tracfone wireless Government Assisted free cell phone... Don't let 'em fool ya! I have had first a no contract tracfone first then became disabled, unfortunatly after completing my life long dream of completing my degree! I noticed I could change my trackfone into a safelink phone. Sounds simple right... Wrong... My biggest complaint is thestaff and company themself. I went round and round with them for the original change, Finally straighten it out...$ years later I would have thought they would hire a better staff and provided training. I was dead wrong!!! They shut my phone off in March 2016 and Iwas forced to purchase with my megar budget and terminal illness another trackfone, just so I had some communication.  It is a crap shoot when u call? I have spent at least5 20 hours of my time on the phone trying to resolve this issue. Get my safelink on????Nope! Took all my minutes again too! Serious training needed these agents are just , no other way to put it... Uneducated and stupid!!!! Michigan

  • Reported By:
    Denise — Otisville Michigan USA
  • Submitted:
    Wed, April 20, 2016
  • Updated:
    Wed, April 20, 2016

2016-04-20 I am so sick and frustrated I could just sit on the floor and eithier scream or cry! i DO NOT SERIOUSLY KNOW HOW MUCH MORE i CAN DEAL! Years ago  I prchased a trackphone without a contract and it was just fine.....The I was Diagnosed with a Terminal ilness and everything changed. I had a good job as a nurse, life was good..... then i found out when u enter into an agreement with the government, companies feel they can do whatever u want!

I once again needed to change a phone into a safelink a while back with another diagnosis/out of remission.  The government provides these services for those of us who may not be able to have a phone at all, to communicate with Doctors, friends, family ect. But the minute I changed to safelink or keep trying to (They shut my phone off, took my minutes om and off and on and off) Since March 2013. It is such a simple thing and request that customer service who work there, should be trained.  Well let me tell ya, They need to stop outsourcing then, because those representatives working tbhere know just do not get it....So many hours of my time and so many assurances all will be fixed just hallow words or an ignorant employee...ethier way I deserve better! I have paid for service for months/years and know that I need help they downright lie just to get u off the phone!  I know what I am talking about, believe me.  THese people at thiscompany are lazy, donot knowwhat they are doing and frankly do not care while they collect taxpayer grants or is dispicabletaking advantage of a disabled person. All I record here is true, so help me god.  Since march they shut of my safelink phone,(they reported they did'nt know why???,depending who u talk to????)Took my  number I had for years and after going back and forth they shut it off again after I put on  3,000 minutes...Fishey??? I am still trying to get my service back on, but i seriously do not know how much more of this my body can take. 

Thanks trackphone for putting on a front u r doing good when ju have such untrained staff that it is a crapshoot evertime u call what gets done or what lieswill be told..Maybe they are just guessing wha they need todo???  I will be finding another service, but I WILL GET MY MINUTES BACK!  shame on all of u guys!!!!!HAVE A COMPANY WIDE TRAINING PROGRAM OR SOMETHING INSTEAD OF MAKING THOSE OF US ARE ALREADY SICK TO SUFFER!!!!!

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