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  • Report:  #1526261

Complaint Review: Ryan George Fair

Ryan George Fair Ryan Winning, Ryan Logan Winning Ryan George Fair has been beating his father and then saying that his father is scratching his own face- Ryan beats up his Father Bel Air Maryland

  • Reported By:
    Vickie — United States
  • Submitted:
    Tue, May 09, 2023
  • Updated:
    Wed, May 10, 2023

Ryan George Fair has been beating his father and then saying that his father is scratching his own face- Ryan beats up his Father.  Ryan's father then calls the police and he is taken to the mental ward of the hospital. So he is violent.

Ryan is a 31 year old man with down syndrome and schizophrenia that lives with his father. He is a severe nacissist that has been stalking me since 2012. My name is Vickie Rice and you can contact me at anytime on my youtube page ,    the information I am giving you have been gleened from Bel Air , MD> Police Reports.

Most down syndrome people have a mongoloid type head and it is evident that they are down syndrome but Ryan does not have the typical mongoloid head but is still a down syndrome patient.  All of this of course is my opinion only however it is very noticeable, his down syndrome.  He has been trying to play himself off as a schizophrenic and every other kind of mental illness in order to hide the fact he is a down syndrome. He does not want that known.  Alex Griffith knew it and had his information and threatened to expose his condition on rip off report so Ryan quickly de-friended him. 

Also Ryan George Fair has been lying about having a  4 year relationship with Sharolaid. I personally spoke to character actor Sharolaid and Sharolaid told me he was never Ryan George Fairs boyfriend, that they were just friends, Sharolaid says he never had sex with Ryan George Fair and that they were only casual friends with him visiting Ryan just one time.  He clearly told me that in NO way were they ever boyfriends.  As a matter of fact Sharolaid told me he did not even find Ryan George Fair attractive.  But Ryan George Fair has made up this total narcissistic lie that they were boyfriends when Sharolaid denies it and never consider him a boyfriend, just a friend.  Ryan got mad and accused Sharolaid of raping him in 2020 which was complete fabrication and lie and so Sharolaid end their friendship and wants no further contact with Ryan.  So Ryan George Fair totally lied and fabricated the story of being Sharoid's boyfriend for 4 years,  TOTAL LIE, TOTAL NARCISSITIC LIE.

He lied about Alex Griffith stealing from him,  He lied about Sharolaid saying Sharolaid raped him, he lied about his fathers treatment of him that has been very good.  He lied about his mother,  He has lied about myself, he has lied about his stepfather,   I mean the list goes on and on. 

He lies and says his father scratches his own face when Ryan acutally attacks his father and beats him and the police are called and he is sent to the mental hospital.  Most down syndrome people like Ryan are not violent but he is. 

1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Ryan George Fair Violently attacks his father and then blames his father, here is what one of his ex- friends told me

#2Author of original report

Wed, May 10, 2023

Not only is Ryan George Fair a dangerous perdatory Narcissist but he is physically dangerous to those around him. In my opinion .  In my opinion Ryan has down syndrome I feel attributed by Fetal Alchohol Syndrome. 

He is Mongoloid. He is a down syndrome Fetal Alchohol Syndrome person in my opinion. 

He's a pathological liar and will abuse others for attention.

One of his ex-friends told me his room where he lives with his very good father, is filthy and that the odor was so strong that he had to leave the room.  He said ryan has a pet rabbit that pee's a huge amount in his bed and also defecates in his bed on his mattress and that it stinks so bad and that he actually saw maggots in  Ryan's bed and remarked that his father has already had to replace his mattress once this last year.

Having Fetal alcholhol syndrome down syndrome Ryan stays in his room all day. 

Ryan in my opinion was born with this disability.  

He sure is a nasty character and quite literally friendless.


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